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Water, Earthquake, Hill and Boadgaun

by Sujan Adhikari | 11-11-2015 15:43 recommendations 0

Water, basic needs of Human to sustain the life and we need all the way in our life. But how easily you get this basic needs is a question for so many of us. I haven't experience of abroad but I am well experienced of Situation in Nepal from Terai to Kathmandu and from Kathmandu to Hill and Himalaya. We are facing hard problems to get drinking water since long and problem is unique in each eco zones of Nepal.


In Terai, People are with abundant water resources either from River or from Underground sources. But questions and problem arise on its fit ability to drink as few places are with harmful elements ARSENIC. In Hilly the problem is little bit different. We have water resources that are generally pure. This is what infiltration and percolation makes. But problem arise while supplying water to people's resident. In Himalaya, some places are dry enough as some are with abundant water resources along the way from Mountains. But it's essentially cold enough to get these into body, let it be its not a problem for us.


And story here is of Hilly Part of Nepal. On 3rd day to Camp, I along with my Team were there for solving the above mentioned problem. When story beings everything was fine before devastating and catastrophic Earthquake and it was same Earthquake that damaged away water channel and system of this Village too. Pipelines were blocked due to Landslides that was triggered by Earthquake. We have no option except setting new pipeline. It's really difficult to seek the problem lying below the Earth and mend it.


So, as a Volunteer I was helping the Campaign of JAY NEPAL. We are there with local people and they are helping us so graciously and they need it too. Our main job is to raise level of resource tank and fit new pipelines. We are without modern technology but its unique to work with available resources as you can apply idea in other parts of Nepal.


One team is working to rise up the level of resource tank and another to fit new pipeline which goes through rivers, marshy fields, side of hill and finally to villages but level of land is not same always. People removed stones and soil to make tank bigger and plastered new tank. I was helping to remove stones and after my work is complete, I went on connecting pipeline.


They are using Stove and heating rod to connect all these pipes. Heating rod was heated till high temperature and was stroked on two ends of two pipes. And it was checked either our work is successful or not by moving pipes and beating it slightly. And some broke on this check and some are strong enough. If it breaks, edge should be cut down and again same procedure were applied.

And we made it to reservoir tank finally and problem was solved. People either bury the pipelines where children may play and damage pipelines other wise left as it was.


And now clean drinking water flows through people's home and we are happy at our work. Also our Agriculture team is working for irrigation system in the village, as fields are dry most of the time. I will be reporting about our project more as we will peek through it.

Water Tank

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  • Dormant user Sujan Adhikari
  • recommend


  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Hello sujan
    I hope you are doing well
    Thank you so much for this report
    Green cheers
    Asmita Gaire
    Posted 12-05-2020 02:29

  • Horticulturist Susmita says :
    Greetings sujan
    I hope you are doing well
    Thank you so much for this report

    Keep writing
    I hope to read more from you
    Green cheers
    Posted 25-03-2020 02:39

  • says :
    Sujan, I wish you all the luck in your journey!
    Posted 25-11-2015 01:17

  • Sujan Adhikari says :
    Thank You Bindu for your touchy words, Jay Nepal Hami Garchau )
    Posted 16-11-2015 12:04

  • says :
    Stories like this are what truly marks us out as Eco-Generation ambassadors. Congratulations Sujan for your great work and you can be very fulfilled for putting smiles on the faces of many Nepalese.
    Posted 14-11-2015 16:10

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Kudos to you and other volunteers like you who came forward to help in this noble cause of providing drinking water for villagers. This world is still a good place to live with people like you around. So proud of you and keep up the good work for which you will be blessed multiple times by God.
    Posted 12-11-2015 03:40

  • says :
    It gives me utmost pleasure to know as my friend, as my leo family and as fellow ambassador that you have rea he'd the place and served. You have exemplified your humanity of which I am speechless
    Posted 12-11-2015 01:40

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    This is a very noble cause Sujan. The active volunteering campaign in Jay Nepal & helping the Boadgaun village people.
    It feels great when Clean drinking water flows from the mended pipes. Your hard work has paid off. Well done.
    Posted 11-11-2015 21:27

  • says :
    Dear Sujan, I am so so glad and proud to see you and other brothers/sisters from University volunteering in Jay Nepal campaign and providing assistance to people in Boadgaun. Working with limited available resources for arranging drinking water pipeline for villagers is a sacred deed. Thank you for sharing :)
    Posted 11-11-2015 15:59

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