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Continuation about Aride Island

by | 30-11-2015 00:09 recommendations 0

Continuation about Aride Island..

Aride Island, today, is known as a Special Reserve since 1975. The island was purchased by Christopher Cadbury in 1973, for a British-based conservation organisation (Royal Society for Wildlife Trust - RSWT), during these times the island has been managed by Island Conservation Society (ICS), an NGO registered in the Seychelles since 2001, afterwards RSWT passed on the freehold of Aride to ICS in 2008.

As mentioned in the previous article, Airde is home to only a handful of rangers but also the breeding ground of millions of sea birds - it should be mentioned that it has more breeding species than any other in the Seychelles.

Recently, the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Energy of Seychelles, published a proposal to extend the boundaries of Aride, allowing for more protection of the other side of the island where there is abundant marine life, this would not only benefit ICS, in regards to the conservation and protection purposes, but also the Seychelles, because more water areas will be regarded as reserves.

From the Seychelles News Agency, it was written that Mr. Adam, the Science and Projects Manager of ICS, said that the coral reef around Aride supports over 450 species of fish and fish communities are quite health, There are large numbers of corallivores, piscivores and invertivors are respectively indicative of coral recovery, low fishing pressure and species known to feed on black-spinned sea urchins and Crown-of-thorns starfish.

Aride is as well, a nesting ground for both green and hawksbill turtles!!

Another great news is that a similar re-designation is also being proposed for the Aldabra Atoll, one of Seychelles UNESCO sites, to ensure that an additional 3.5 square kilometres of this very important reef ecosystem is included as part of the legal boundary of the Special Reserve.


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  • Luiz Bispo says :
    I hope the proposal idea can be accepted and so make a better environment to all sort of life in the area. Thanks for the report. Keep it up.
    Posted 30-11-2015 09:49

  • says :
    Extending the boundaries of this Island is indeed a good proposal.It is a giant step for the protection of aquatic life.
    Posted 30-11-2015 04:40

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Extension of Aride Island would be a great step towards conservation and protection of marine species. Hope the proposal is accepted. Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 30-11-2015 03:35

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