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Welcoming The Migratory Birds

by | 30-11-2015 00:40 recommendations 0

     Migration in avian species is common and it mainly happens in between their breeding ground and wintering grounds.During winter many species of birds migrate to different parts of Nepal, and one of the place is Kaski district. Many species from Northern parts of Nepal,Siberia,China migrate here. So inorder to raise awareness and concern  about the migratory birds and their habitat conservation Bird Consevation Nepal,Pokhara Branch and Pokhara Bird Society organized "Welcome to the Birds" on 28th November 2015 at Fewa wetland.
       The programme started at 9 A.M. NST involving about 35 participants including BCN members,bird experts, bird lovers ,news reporters,trekking guides and local people. The event began with brief introduction and  informative speeches about the need of the habitat conservation of the birds  and the roles of different stakeholders.A local also explained how the people had conflicting relationship with some species like Purple swamp hen.After that bird watching was done from Khapaudi to Barahi Chowk and during that we observed about 58 species of birds.The bird species were mainly wetland dependent birds including few others,they include following:-
1) Purple swamp Hen
2) Rudy Shelduck
3) Gadwall
4) Booted eagle
5) White Throated Kingfisher
6) Common Kingfisher
7) Common Coot
8) Osprey
9) Cattle Egret
10) Intermediate Egret
11) Common Egret
12) Pond heron
13) Paddy Field Pipit
14) Common Sandpiper
15) Northen shoveler
16)White wagtail
17) Bronze-winged Jacana
18) White breasted water hen
19) Common Pochard
20) Mallard
21) lesser whistling Duck
22) White capped water Redstart
23) Common Morhen
24) Pied Bush Chat
25) Common stone chat
26) Rosy Pipit
27) Barn Swallow
28) White Browed Wagtail
29) Rosy Pipit
30) Yellow Breaste green finch etc.
group pic
Rajendra Gurung from BCN
Hari K.C
On the way for birding
Indian pond heron
    Purple swamp hen
Photo Courtesy :- Bipna Basnet

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  • says :
    @Luiz Thank you for going through.I am pleased to list them here but seeing them live was just awesome. :)
    Posted 01-12-2015 18:37

  • says :
    @Harmanjot Thank you for going through.
    Posted 01-12-2015 18:35

  • says :
    @Arushi Wetland are important eco-systems and many bird species rely on them,so their conservation is important.I am glad that I could participate in this event.Thank you for going through. :)
    Posted 01-12-2015 18:35

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Lovely report and photos. Also, thanks for introducing us the species. :)

    Posted 30-11-2015 09:45

  • says :
    A very good step of welcoming the migratory birds.Well reported with beautiful pictures.
    Posted 30-11-2015 04:41

  • Arushi Madan says :
    WOW! What a nice event to promote importance of biodiversity and need for habitat conservation of the birds. I really liked this initiative and the title 'Welcoming the Migratory Birds'. It really looks like as if nature /bird lovers are standing and welcoming the migratory birds. Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 30-11-2015 03:29

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