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by | 01-12-2015 03:03 recommendations 0

After the recent heat waves that we have been experiencing in most parts of Africa, it came as no surprise to myself when I learnt from a international news channel that 2015 was in great standing to be the hottest year  planet earth has experienced since as early as 1880.

According to global temperature data compiled by various climate agencies, including NASA, NOAA and the Japan Meteorological Agency, the months of July to September have received record breaking warmest temperatures recorded dating back to more than a century ago. NOAA measured July at 1.46oF above the 20th century July average, hence making this July the hottest since 1880. September 2015 also experienced the warmest of all recorded Septembers by an unprecedented margin of 0.19 degrees according to the same source.

Seven out of nine months this year have ranked as top warmest excluding January and April which ranked second to third. The chances of this happening coincidentally are close to none and can only be attributed to climate change caused by human actions. Carbon dioxide levels across the world have risen from pre-industrial levels of about 280 parts per million to nearly 400ppm today. Other greenhouse gases that trap heat are the agents of a continuing ozone layer destruction.

The Bleak future

Rise of CO2 levels will raise the planets temperatures by another 3oF to 9oF by the end of this century depending on when and if greenhouse gas emissions are curbed, scientists have calculated.

The strongest El Nino (this leads to warmer surface temperatures and warmer ocean waters) is expected to last throughout the rest of the year.But will it just disappear when the year ends? Unfortunately, not this is not the case. The International Research Institution For Climate Predictions says new computer stimulations indicate at least a 98% chance that El Nino will persist into early spring – and there is no telling when or/and if it will stop.

"There is no longer a possibility that El Nino wimps out At this point. Its too big to fail." Said Bill Patzer, a NASA Climatologist.

This is a perfect time  to begin to panic. Governments and their citizens out to begin now to come up with and implement climate change policies that will reverse this scourge. It begins with you and me!

Abnormal temperatures chat.Heat waveHeat warning

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  • Luh Putu Budiarti says :
    Yes, I think that's true. Cause an increase in global warming. Save Earth
    Posted 18-12-2015 00:45

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Yeah , this being declared the hottest year and other alarming statistics , it's time to act , no time to think. Let's hope global leaders too realise the urgency of the situation and come up with realistic decisions to reverse climate change.
    Posted 01-12-2015 04:23

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