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by | 01-12-2015 02:18 recommendations 0

Raging across, wildfires can consume anything and everything in their path in a matter of minutes.
Wildfires are common across forested countries like US, Canada, South Africa and Australia. Beginning as a small spark, fueled by whether and wind, wildfires can consume upto 1000 acres per hour.

Wildfires have burn upto 9 million acres of land every year.

Wildfires may occur due to multiple reasons, including lightning, volcanic eruption, heat waves, climate changes like El Nino, but human negligence is one of the prime reason for the cause of wildfires.
In fact, four in every five wildfires are caused due to humans.

Despite playing an important role in ecosytems like providing fertile soil layer, wildfires, especially man-made can be a great threat and can cause an imbalance in the ecosystem.

Tools like pulaski, fire retardant chemicals like sky - jello, depriving fires of fuel, are commonly used methods to combat these wildfires. With more that 100,000 fires occurring each year, most of them are not covered in media. 

We need to protect the world which we live in, the nature that shelters us is fast deteriorating. We need to make people aware of how an action as small as improper disposal of a cigarette butt can cause massive destruction of life, land and property.

Image Source: https://texasagriculture.gov/Home/ProductionAgriculture/TheWaterSource/WildfirePrevention.aspx

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  • Luh Putu Budiarti says :
    I hope a forest fire can be reduced . Because if there a forest fire , who were victims of not only forest but ecosystem the animal too
    Posted 18-12-2015 00:47

  • says :
    i hope forestfire will not happen anymore especially in my country
    Posted 01-12-2015 16:02

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Well shared concern, Humaid. Wildfires are a serious threat to entire ecosystem.
    Posted 01-12-2015 04:03

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