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Football Themed 'Innovative' Cleanliness Project

by Arushi Madan | 02-12-2015 16:43 recommendations 0

I would like to share with you a very interesting and innovative idea by which Dubai school students wanted to inculcate the attitude of cleanliness.

A group of students kicked off a novel plan to encourage fellow pupils to clean up the school canteen.

Yiahkoub Bouherrafa, a 17-year-old French grade 12 student from the School of Modern Skills in Dubai, came up with the idea of using football-themed rubbish bins and then asking students to fill the bin of their favourite teams.

In their school, the students are very passionate about football, but it also meant they got into very heated arguments so a lot of energy was wasted. This intelligent boy Yiahkoub  wanted to channel this energy into something positive so he came up with the idea to get more students to clean up after themselves as many of them do not, which means more work for the cleaners.

Yiahkoub and two other classmates labelled two bins with the club crests of Spanish giants Real Madrid and Barcelona, and wrote a note that read: "Which football team do support' Let us know by putting your garbage in the bin that represents you. This project is not about reducing football clubs to a trash bin. It is in my opinion a way that we can show love toward the team we support."

The group carried out trials and last week officially launched the initiative at the school's sport day. On that occasion, Barcelona took the honours. The project has been so successful. It has got students into good habits.

Many students rushed to put garbage in the bin they supported and many were even picking up bottles and cans which are not theirs. The cleaner was surprised to see that the tables were clean.

The scheme, "Football Trash" is the best example of how to better serve communities and change behaviour.

Source : 7days


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  • Dormant user Arushi Madan
  • recommend


  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Hello arushi
    I hope you are doing well
    Brilliant initiative
    Thank you so much for report
    Green cheers
    Asmita Gaire
    Posted 31-05-2020 11:24

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Wow, great initiative. Thanks for sharing, Arushi.
    Posted 07-12-2015 15:58

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing !
    Posted 05-12-2015 23:50

  • says :
    How creative.We need such innovative thinkers to make the world a better place.Thanks for reporting,Arushi.
    Posted 04-12-2015 04:29

  • says :
    Wonderful initiative.Thanks for the report Arushi as it was an eye opener.Keep it up!!!
    Posted 04-12-2015 02:10

  • says :
    Barcelona is taking honor here as well.
    An amazing thought!!!! Brilliant idea.
    Posted 03-12-2015 13:17

  • says :
    Posted 03-12-2015 04:18

  • says :
    Nice idea
    Posted 03-12-2015 00:32

  • says :
    Great initiative, truly brilliant! I seek to introduce that in my country. It, sure will, work.
    Posted 03-12-2015 00:11

  • says :
    Great idea, similar to the one launched by Hubbub in London
    Posted 02-12-2015 21:58

  • says :
    What a wonderful story and a fine example of thinking out of the box. Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 02-12-2015 18:39

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