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Lion Escapes a Park in Nigeria, Gets killed

by | 03-12-2015 15:55 recommendations 0

A lion yesterday escaped from the Wild Life Park in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria when it was about being fed on Wednesday morning. The incident which happened at about 8am yesterday threw the residents of the city into panic as many feared being attacked by the animal hence stayed indoors. Various security teams and animal rescue experts were also dispatched to recover the lion which has being caged since 1972.
The park manager, John Doy, had earlier said that "slipped through the gate of the cage when it was opened for its routine feeding".
"The animal is still within the vicinity of the park but our fear is that the park is not fenced".

However, after about 7 hours, news broke that the lovely animal has been killed after it tried to attack some of its rescuers. The lion was said to be making his way back to the park only to be scared further into the bush by the sound of a gunshot which probably made the animal more aggressive to challenge the rescuers at this point, it was shot by one of the security operatives.
A police spokesperson, Abuh Emmanuel, told Premium Times thus, "we had dispatched our men with experts in search of the lion with the intention to recover the animal alive". 
Meanwhile, Premium Times reports that the body of the animal will be taken to the National Veterinary Research Institute Jos, for preservation.
It's quite saddening that the unnamed Lion which was the only one in the Jos Wild Life of Park, was killed in such a circumstance after living for 43 years in that park. I had hoped to celebrate the recapture of the animal and sincerely hope that authorities tried hard enough before resorting to the option of shooting dead the lion. It is a really painful loss and the Park is considering options to replace the animal including loaning a replacement from within or outside Nigeria. 

Photo 1 by: scannewsnigeria.com

Photo 2 by: www.mynewswatchtimesng.com

1. The killed Lion2. Jos Park

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  • Rohan Kapur says :
    It's indeed a painful end of 43 years in the Zoo. Too bad to know that it was the only Lion. Sad to read about this incident.
    Posted 07-12-2015 15:57

  • says :
    It's so sad to read that a lion get killed it's very awful !
    Posted 05-12-2015 23:50

  • says :
    Too bad. Lions diversity, distribution and population has reduced drastically in Africa over the years. I was very sad to hear this.
    Posted 04-12-2015 08:32

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Oh no. It's so sad.
    The lion was hostile during attempts to get it back to the cage and it was killed before it could harm anyone. But there could have been better way than killing him-like they could have
    tranquillise him instead.
    Posted 03-12-2015 17:55

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