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The status of Ghana at COP21

by | 04-12-2015 09:00 recommendations 0

Ghana is present at the 21st Conference of Parties (COP 21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Paris, France. Prior to COP 21, a high level consultative meeting on Ghana's INDC was held from the 28th to the 29th of August 2015 and as part of the pre-COP activities, a technical training workshop was organised for Ghana's Delegation to COP 21.


Showing commitment towards climate action, Ghana had responded to the UN declaration for "Sustainable Energy for All by 2030," adding that a push for renewable energy is high on the country's energy for all agenda. There has also been an establishment of a Renewable Energy Act (Act 832) and Renewable Energy Fund which respectively demonstrates commitment to address climate change in Ghana.


Ghana had completed the preparation and submission of its third national communication, national greenhouse inventory report and biennial update report to the UUFCCC and subsequently gone through the International Consultation and Analysis (ICA).


Ghana, led by the His Excellency President John Dramani Mahama, at the leader?s event of the UN COP 21 which is attended by 150 countries and heads of government, HE J. D. Mahama delivered his statement which emphasized on the effects of climate  change  beginning  to  manifest.

He said ? Several  years  of  erratic  rainfall  are  affecting  agriculture  production. Reduced rainfall volumes have  also  affected  electricity  generation  from our major hydro dam on the Volta River. This has made us seek thermal generation based on fossil fuels and liquid natural gas. We  have lost  7  million  hectares  of  rain  forest  over  the  last half-century and currently have just a little over a million hectares of natural rainforest left. As part of climate change mitigation, we intend to convert more of our people  from  the  use  of  fuel  wood  for  cooking  and  provide  them  with cooking gas in order to slow the phenomenon of deforestation currently affecting the savannah and Sahelian regions of West Africa.

Newly discovered reserves of Gas offshore Ghana will enable us to phase out the use of crude oil and petroleum for the production of energy by the year 2020?.


The president continued that ?As far as I know, No planet has as yet been discovered that is habitable for human life. So the question we must ask is, how many more earths would we need to sustain the lifestyle we deem as modern and developed? The current high consumption of western  style  societies  cannot  be  the model that countries like mine must follow. We  must  accept  as  emerging  countries,  that  while  we  urge  the

developed  world  to  turn  around  and  reduce  emissions,  we  must  at  the same  time  realize  that  we  also  cannot  tread  on  the  same  path  to development?.


In his conclusion he stated that ?Ghana seeks an agreement here in Paris that is binding, measurable and respected by all. This  Paris  Meeting  is  a  make  or  break  for  saving  our  planet  and preserving it as a sustainable home for the human race. I wish to assure the people of the world that we their leaders will take up the moral challenge. We shall respond to the call of history?.


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  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Thanks Joshua. Ghans's role has been rightly updated.
    Posted 07-12-2015 15:54

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing !
    Posted 05-12-2015 23:47

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for sharing the update on Ghana's role in COP21. Your president rightly said 'Paris Meeting is a make or break for saving our planet and preserving it as a sustainable home for the human race.'
    Posted 04-12-2015 16:32

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