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Approaches for People and Planet at Local Level

by | 04-12-2015 23:52 recommendations 0

President of America, Mr. Barack Obama said, "We are the first generation to feel the impact of Climate Change, we are the last generation that  can do something about it. We only get one home, we only get one planet. There's no plan B". Science calls Earth the mother of humanity, the exclusive planet with human beings discovered so far. From the ICE age, we have come so far with eminent progress and development. Yet, we are disquieting our plant somewhere we victimized our mother with resource exterminating endeavors. But time has come we must act to save our planet. Moreover, we will be saving ourselves.  Approaches to save our planet are the approaches to save ourselves. As far as I am concerned, we young people can implement following approaches for global action for the people and planet at local level:


Firstly, we  ought to improve our daily habits that encompasses several practices which burn earth to an unbearable extent and we get affected with counter effects. Let's cook food just the amount we need so we do not have to throw the leftover-to prepare the same amount of leftover another industry pollutes our planet the same moment with lots of green house gases. Our atmosphere wraps the heat of sun and the ultimate effect of global warming is in us. Furthermore, let's go heterodox: banning orthodox use of plastic bags in our market. We are to  use jute bags that at least decays. Our planet cannot bear the odoriferous smell that disturbs her nature to produce oxygen for us.  Beyond that it disturbs the atmosphere and ozone too: we don?t want to suffer from UV rays and cancer. It is better we walk little distances decreasing unnecessary use of fossil fuels. Beyond, it will decrease air pollution too to some extent. This approach helps our planet to have less burden on her and serve humanity with less counter effects.


Secondly, we can  fortify green movement: booming the awareness for nature conservation in our community, school, university about the plausible ways to make the nature green. It may include banning haphazard disposal of wastes, reuse and recycling of the products. For instance, unmanaged disposal and burning plastics emits green house gases while recycling them prevents their disposal to soil and help to minimize the ecological footprint. Furthermore, we can aware the children about green movement. Children are future youths to take care of earth. We can make children cautious about humans, earth and their roles acknowledging them about eco platforms like Tunza-Eco-Generation can be efficacious in this stride. The other green movement is trees plantation. Our planet has been dilapidated with loss of trees. Trees invigorates earth's life trees plantation is a very effective approach to rejuvenate earth. We can make a local project: a tree per person in a month. This can be applied in all of our communities. If each person plants a tree in each month then soon planet will be revived with green hopes and can sustain herself longer that benefits humanity.



Thirdly, cleanliness approach is  indispensable  to save people and planet. Many of youths follow bad habit  throwing bits of paper, chocolate wrappers, water bottles etc . wherever they like. We ought to stop this behavior, it depletes nature while the unmanaged disposal of wastes in our locality invites disease epidemics. Young eco activists should evoke to clean home, surroundings and locality. Cleanliness campaign can serve as a multiplicative approach: ther people seeing youths in cleanliness campaign will be motivated to clean their own surroundings. Slowly and steadily not only our home and surroundings, the whole community will be clean and the approach can go to National Level as well. For instance, Clean Up Bagmati was a campaign initiated by a bunch of people in Capital City of Nepal. Slowly it got converted to Clean Up Nepal and this year (2015) it was practiced in 18 districts of Nepal at more than 60 locations on the same day. This is how cleanliness campaign works in a multiplicative approach. This approach will make earth beautiful and make people more healthy.


As a whole, it can be safely averred that young people are a hope for nurturing the future of our living planet. As youth, we ought to follow cleanliness approach, provoke the green movement and improve our daily habits in such a way that we can sustain our planet and ourselves towards longer existence. If not now then we can never. This is the time for global action for people and planet. I cannot defy President Barack Obama's word "There is no plan B". Henceforth, lets act on it.




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  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Nice report, Bikal. One step is right direction will definitely motivate others.
    Posted 07-12-2015 15:36

  • Prakriti Dhakal says :
    yeah! we should rise our voice beyond the words!
    Posted 06-12-2015 19:45

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing Bikal !
    Posted 05-12-2015 23:46

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Rightly said, there is no time to think , it's time to act. There is no plan'B'. We must adopt cleanliness and green living approach in our daily lives and inspire others too. Thanks for sharing,Bikal.
    Posted 05-12-2015 04:55

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