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UAE affirms support at COP21

by Arushi Madan | 05-12-2015 06:06 recommendations 0

Precap : UAE's Greening efforts

The UAE is genuinely concerned about the issues related with climate change and the environment. The government and the civil society of the country have been making concerted efforts towards protecting the environment, protecting the animal habitat, and conserving energy. 

The world's megacities, including Dubai, have a crucial role to play in the coming years in ensuring that the world will follow a low carbon pathway and that we can keep global temperature rises below 2 degrees. 

Dubai's new membership in C40 — an exclusive group of megacities to fight climate change — has provided a suite of powerful new tools of change to help slash global emissions in concert with other urban centres. 

Dubai's greening efforts including efficient public transportation, reducing waste going to landfill ,the creation of new sources of renewable energy and Dubai's new membership in C40 (an exclusive group of megacities to fight climate change) are also evidences of Dubai and UAE as a whole's sincerity towards fighting climate change.

Jim Yong Kim, President of the World Bank Groups at COP21 on 4th Dec suggested that removing government subsidies from fossil fuels is one of the ways that oil producing countries, can combat climate change – a step that the UAE took when it deregulated oil prices in August of this year.


Dr. Rashid Ahmad bin Fahad, UAE Minister of Environment and Water, launched five environmental initiatives – 'Smart Gargoor,' 'Green Legacy,' 'Beautiful in Wild' & 'Emirates Nature Reserves' at Dubai Mall and 'Monitor and Control' in Masdar City – as part of the UAE Innovation Week from November 22 to 28, 2015. 

The Ministry displayed the first prototypes of the five initiatives at UAE Innovation Week. 'Smart Gargoor,' which is based on the world's best technologies to be used in a local perspective, sends data on the coordinates of 'gargoor' (fish traps) and the amount and types of fish inside it, thus enabling easy access to the site and reducing the time spent at sea. The app was developed in cooperation with an international university in Germany and is the latest tool used in fishing operations in the UAE and the world. 

The first-of-its-kind in the world, the 'Green Legacy' is an air-purifying device that is fitted to the window of a building and takes advantage of the sun and algae that run on clean-rays air. The project is one of the most important initiatives that will contribute to the promotion of environmental sustainability and the improvement of air quality. It was developed in collaboration with Dubai Ports World and can bring in fiscal returns of up to Dh 1.5 million per year for a building of six (6) floors. 

The Ministry also showcased two models – 'Beautiful in Wild ' & 'Emirates Nature Reserves' – in Dubai Mall. 'Be A Reason for My Stay' uses an innovative 7-dimensional technique to educate the public about endangered animals. The virtual interactive platform for displaying some species of animals has been developed in partnership and cooperation with local institutions such as Dubai Municipality and the Abu Dhabi Environment Agency and non-governmental associations such as the World Wide Fund for Nature WWF and IFAW.

The Emirates Nature Reserves' app, on the other hand, uses an innovative 360-degree imaging technology to promote the UAE's natural reserves. The initiative aims to promote eco-tourism in the country as well as educate the public about the importance of these reserves in terms of biodiversity and ecosystems. 

Lastly, the 'Control and Monitoring' initiative was also displayed during UAE Innovation Week in Masdar City. It was developed to monitor air quality across the country and can be accessed through an integrated thermal maps with satellite imagery. It will help determine the effect of emission sites and their impact on the surrounding environment and provide the basis for concerned authorities to take preventive measures. 



UAE formally submitted its Intended Nationally-Determined Contribution, INDC plans to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC ahead of COP21. These outline the actions the UAE aims to take to limit greenhouse emissions ,combat climate change and to adapt to the impacts of climate change. 

The UAE Cabinet endorsed the proposed climate action plan at its meeting on the 25th of October. The plan reflects the UAE's economic diversification strategy and its commitment to sustainable development, which harness innovation and green growth to ensure prosperity and environmental protection. The country's national target to generate 24 percent of its electricity from clean energy sources by 2021 reinforces its contribution to climate action. 

The plan reinforces the country's commitment to "Green Growth".

In the action plan, the government said although the UAE has depended heavily on hydrocarbons to drive economic development over the past 40 years, the future depends on investing in clean energy.

To that end, clean energy now provides 0.2 per cent of the country's energy mix. The government is looking at ways to boost that to 24 per cent by 2021.

The document also discusses ways to reduce reliance on vehicles and more on public transport. It mentions making 25 per cent of government vehicle fleets run on compressed natural gas.

According to UAE Minister of State and Special Envoy for Energy and Climate Change . Our leadership recognises that climate action can simultaneously create economic opportunity and protect the environment. Therefore, the UAE has set an ambitious course to accelerate the creation of knowledge-based sectors to underpin our nation's ability to thrive in a 21st century economy.

The UAE's actions to address climate change and to transform its energy mix are already underway. Delivering clean energy to the national grid through Shams 1, a first-of-its-kind concentrated solar plant in Abu Dhabi, and the construction of the 1-gigawatt Mohammed bin Rashid Solar Park in Dubai, is underway. The UAE is also introducing energy-efficiency standards, funding the creation of world-class research centres and is advancing critical innovations, such as Carbon Capture Usage and Storage. 

Masdar, Abu Dhabi's renewable energy company, is contributing to the UAE's clean energy leadership by establishing an integrated 'new-energy' industry in Abu Dhabi and around the world. Masdar is the region's largest supplier of clean energy, and takes an integrated approach to sustainability by combining academia, R&D, investment and technology deployment, to spur innovation and investment in clean energy. 

The International Renewable Energy Agency, IRENA, headquartered in Masdar City, is also a reflection of the UAE's bold actions and commitment to addressing the world's most pressing energy and climate challenges. 

During COP21, leaders from the world's 193 countries are expected to finalise a new global climate change agreement which will set a framework for international efforts to combat climate change. The new agreement will be the accumulation of negotiations since 2011 that will help reinforce and build on national actions to fight climate change. 

UAE believes that  our role is to turn political ambition into a climate-action reality.Each nation has a tremendous opportunity to seize the positive economic and social returns of climate action and to help transition the global economy toward a sustainable, enduring, economic future.

The UAE leadership has been proactive about sustainability at home and abroad since its founding. For more than a decade, the government has remained committed to renewable energy deployment, research and development, infrastructure modernisation and to working with the world to address the impact of climate change. 


Members from the United Arab Emirates' delegation joined heads of states and key government officials at the United Nations' Leaders Event, marking the opening of the 21st session of Conference of Parties (COP21) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the highly anticipated climate change negotiations hosted in Paris. 

The UAE joins more than 190 nations who are gathered to discuss a binding universal agreement to tackle the threat of climate change. 

Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, UAE Minister of State and Special Envoy for Energy and Climate Change  is heading UAE delegation to COP21. While witnessing a historic moment in the global efforts to address climate change at COP21 , UAE remains  optimistic that a successful, fair and binding outcome can be achieved in Paris – setting a course for a sustainable, prosperous future.

Tackling climate change is a top priority for our country and is also an opportunity to create sustainable economic growth," Dr. Al Jaber said. "Climate action is strategically aligned with the UAE's drive to diversify its economy and create lasting knowledge-based sectors that can power our country for generations." 

The UAE is a key global partner in addressing climate change. The country advocates for an agreement that provides a flexible approach that encourages all nations to take ambitious action, but allows to do so in ways that fit their national circumstances. The UAE also believes that developed countries need to fulfil their pledge to provide funding and other support to enable developing countries to transition to a low-carbon economy and adapt to the impacts of climate change. 

Vice Chairman, Dubai Supreme Council of Energy, Saeed Mohammed  Al Tayer will deliver speeches at both COP21 and the World Climate Summit (WCS), and he?ll be part of the launching of the Green Economy Report 2016, a report produced by the Supreme Council of Energy in collaboration with the UNDP.

Dubai Electricity & Water Authority (Dewa) stand dominates at climate change meet

Dubai Electricity & Water Authority (Dewa)?s stand at COP21 is drawing large crowds of visitors, who have shown great interest in the energy body?s latest achievements that focus on innovation as a major pillar of government work.

Dewa is showcasing its current and future projects plus programmes related to energy efficiency, renewable and clean energy, innovation and sustainability, as well as its latest smart services and initiatives.

The Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park, one of the biggest strategic new projects in the world based on the Independent Power Producer (IPP) concept, has been attracting curious visitors, and energy and environment experts alike. The solar park will generate 1,000 megawatts (MW) of electricity by 2020 and 5,000 MW by 2030.

COP21 is an important occasion, as the world?s leaders work together to reach a new international agreement on climate change and discuss the practical steps for addressing the climate change phenomenon and its effects.

DEWA?s participation in this international event is a part of the strategy aimed at enhancing the competitiveness and position of Dubai and the UAE on the international arena and attracting investments in energy sector.


The United Arab Emirates welcomed French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius to the UAE pavilion in celebration of UAE National Day on the sidelines of the 21st meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP21) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Paris, France. 

The country presented its achievements in technology and innovation that are helping to create new economic sectors and address the impacts of climate change. 

"The UAE is advancing research and development to spur clean energy innovation and diversify our economy, in order to secure both a healthy and prosperous future for generations to come," said Dr. Thani Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, UAE Permanent Representative to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and Director of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. "We are embracing climate action as an opportunity to commercialize technological breakthroughs and forge new partnerships to extend our leadership on sustainability globally." 

During his visit, French Foreign Minister Fabius learned about how the UAE is transitioning to a knowledge-based economy and accelerating the deployment of clean energy through the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, a world-class research centre, Masdar, the UAE's renewable energy company, and other partners. 

Examples include the deployment of Shams 1 concentrated solar power plant, the development of sustainable aviation biofuel, solar-powered cutting-edge seawater reverse osmosis desalination, and the near completion of the Middle East's first commercial-scale project for carbon, capture, usage and storage. The UAE also just launched a new fund worth Dh2 billion to finance innovation. 

"Our actions reflect our commitment to climate change and reinforce our ability to compete in the 21st century economy," said Dr. Al Zeyoudi. "They also support our broader goal of achieving a 24 per cent clean energy mix by 2021." 

French Foreign Minister Fabius, president of COP21, praised the UAE's leadership in renewable energy to advance sustainable solutions and address the adverse effects of climate change. He stressed the importance of the UAE and France working together and investing in renewable energy. 

COP 21: The steady road from the UAE to Paris

UAE's energy transition

The UN Secretary General Ban-Ki-Moon said: "Ours is the first generation that can end poverty, and the last that can take steps to avoid the worst impacts of climate change." This means that the time to act is now. It's a huge boost to the United Nations Conference on climate change known as COP21 that the United States and China announced their plans well ahead.

Also, it's equally heartening to see young countries like the United Arab Emirates take concrete steps towards pledging to a greener future. It's obviously harder for an oil-rich economy to diversify their energy landscape and also speak about a post oil era. We must remember that the UAE sits on 5.9% of the world's oil reserves and 3.1% of the natural gas wealth.

But the UAE seems to have managed this transition beautifully. The country has pledged to generate 24% of its electricity from clean energy sources by 2021 reinforcing its contribution to climate action. This is a very strong and clear direction of the economy and the industries. The country could well have the distinction of being one of the few oil-rich nations that not only exports oil, but also renewable technology through their investments in wind and solar power globally.

Dubai is further planning to invest billions of dollars in clean energy as part of a strategy that could see solar panels on the roofs of all buildings in the city by 2030.

What will the future look like?

Going forward, city planners may have to include solar panels on every roof and electric vehicle chargers at every street.High-speed electric rail and buses would provide transport in urban areas where super-fast chargers will become a regular fixture.

UAE has pledged to generate 24 per cent of its electricity from clean energy sources by 2021, as part of its outline for legally binding actions to be taken to protect the environment.

The UAE is prepared to work with other nations to combat climate change. UAE firmly believes that through global partnership and domestic policy we can overcome climate challenges and turn them into opportunities to build a more diversified and sustainable economy.

The UAE is fully committed to the negotiation process and to achieving a legally binding climate agreement applicable to all parties.

The world today is facing an uncertain future. Climate change has been long identified as one of the most important drivers behind this uncertainty. The Paris climate conference COP21 is expected to conclude on December 11 with a new universal agreement to govern climate action after 2020 which will move the world one step closer in addressing climate change. We expect a successful COP21 that will help move the world forward toward our collective goal of a sustainable future.



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  • Dormant user Arushi Madan
  • recommend


  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Hello arushi
    I hope you are doing well
    Great decision
    Thank you so much for report
    Green cheers
    Asmita Gaire
    Posted 31-05-2020 11:24

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    UAE has put an indelible mark in this regard. Thanks for the informative post, Arushi.
    Posted 07-12-2015 15:35

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Yes Maduri , UAE is actively working on sustainable development.
    Posted 07-12-2015 04:57

  • says :
    Wow so nice to know UAE is participating and taking on many green initiatives

    Posted 06-12-2015 19:37

  • Arushi Madan says :
    @Luiz : Thanks . Yes , we are quite hopeful that targets would be achieved.
    Posted 06-12-2015 14:35

  • Arushi Madan says :
    @Udeh: Thanks for appreciating. Yeah UAE has been doing a lot of green innovations and practices.
    Posted 06-12-2015 14:34

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Thanks so much for sharing this report Arushi. Very organized! Well done. Hopefully, all good intention shall be achieved! =D
    Posted 06-12-2015 09:51

  • says :
    Wow! What a great comprehensive report. UAE has been leading the in Climate actions especially in green innovations. I hope other countries can learn a thing or more from UAE. Great outing so far and thanks Arushi for sharing.
    Posted 06-12-2015 04:25

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