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Indigenous Forest Management System

by | 10-12-2015 23:52 recommendations 0

    Indigenous Knowledge System is the application of knowledge generated,developed and sustained entirely by internal initiatives.They are unique,innovative,often tested,adopted to local culture and environment and are also dynamic. likewise Indigenous forest management is the system that arenot significantly affected by western influences.These are the system that combine traditional authority and self regulation to organize informal institution.
   Indigenous Knowledge have different forms, it maybe information,practice and techniques,beliefs and tools/materials.One form of indigenous knowledge practiced in Nepal is Indigenous Forest management system by different ethnic communities of Nepal.

Application of Indigenous Knowledge in Forest management:-
-Recognizing indigenous forest management system would facilitate the program as abasis for formation and implementation of Community Forest.
-Understanding Indigenous Forest System facilitates forest handing over process and strengthens local management system as well.

Some rules followed by Indigenous forest management systems are:-
1. Harvesting only selected products and species
2. Harvesting according to the condition of the product.
3. Limiting the amount of product.
4. Using the social means of monitoring.

Traditional/indigenous Forest management systems have been practiced in Nepal since ancient time,particularly in the hills. And these systems are operational under differnt institutional arrangements at different times and locations. Some of the indigenous institutions are as follows:-
1)  Talukdar- During the period of Rana rule(Before 1950 A.D.) many hill forests were under the responsibility of Talukdar.
2) Kipat - Kipat was a form of land tenure in land was regarded as the common property of the local ethnic group and was managed within the ethnic groups organization.The 'Kirats' of the Eastern hills were the biggest Kipat owning community in Nepal.Under this system,the whole land,irrespective of it's use was owned by the community.Individuals who cultivated lands in their capacity as members of Kipat owning ethnic groups owned allegiance primarily to the community not to the state.Thus,the whole land,includinh forests was managed for the benefit of local community.
This form of ownership persists in the local community of forest management by "Sherpa" community of Solukhumbu region and "Jirel" community of Jiri.
3) Guthi -It is the social,cultural and religious institution of Newar communitythat is responsible for managing revenue of land of religious,charitable purposes and upkeep of temples and monasteries.
4) Rodhim :- It is a social and cultural institution that organizes labour to protect the physical environment and manages community resources among gurungs in Western Nepal.
5) Choho :- It is the institution of Tamang communities in the central mahabhart Range.
6) Mirtchang:- It is the institution of marphalis in the western region of Nepal.
   Also in Sherpa communities  of Solukhumbu region,forest gurads known as "Singa naua" regulate access and forest use.His responsibility includes to preserve forests and pasture lands.he is mandated by village assembly.

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  • says :
    @Urmila These systems have taught us about sustainable management since ancient times.Thanks for going through.
    Posted 15-12-2015 19:22

  • says :
    @Christy These indigenous practices are unique in each community.However,not all thes institution are found working in Nepal,modern systems have displaced them.Thanks for going through.:)
    Posted 15-12-2015 19:21

  • says :
    @Arushi Thanks for going through.:)
    Posted 15-12-2015 19:18

  • says :
    Got an information about indigenous knowlegde system particularly of forest management.

    Thanks for ur valuable report.
    Posted 15-12-2015 12:45

  • says :
    It's interesting that the motive and core structures are similar but name and details are different :)
    Posted 14-12-2015 13:38

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for an informative report, Alina.
    Posted 12-12-2015 03:54

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