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Tanzania Independence Day turn to National Cleans Day.

by | 10-12-2015 23:56 recommendations 0


Tanzania's newly elected President John Magufuli has cancelled independence day celebrations, and has ordered a clean-up campaign day, of which the money that could be spend to commemorate the independence day come into affect of the reduction of governmental expenditure. As the result the total amount of 4 billion shillings is directed to TANROADS to expand Mwenge – Morocco road, of the total length of 4.3 kilometers. cleans day

Tanzania attained her political independence from United Kingdom on the 9th December 1961. And It?s the first time in 54 years Tanzania transformed Independence Day into cleans day

According to President John Pombe Magufuli speech in television it?s shameful to spend lots of money in commemoration of several state?s events while the country face various problems such as the outbreak of Cholera, Lack of medical facilities in general hospitals, poor infrastructure etc. Hence if the money could be well spent and well directed those problems could be solved. It would be ?Shameful" to spend huge sums of money on the celebrations when "our people are dying of cholera" he said.

The movement causes a big attention worldwide and the story has been feathered to various news media such as BBC world news report, DW news and others. According to DW news top story report of 12th December 2015. Dozens of fishermen joined their president in the cleaning up drive. Magufuli shovelled leaves and plastic rubbish close to a fish market near the presidential palace. Hundreds of people gathered to witness their president make a statement.

"Let us work together to keep our country, cities, homes and workplaces clean, safe and healthy," Magufuli said, as he picked up litter with his hands.

Residents of the economic capital participated in the clean-up drive.

"Tanzania has changed - this is a new Tanzania," said Anyitike Mwakitalima, a resident of Dar es Salaam, as he helped clean the beach.

Magufuli cancelled Independence Day celebrations last month as the country struggles to stem a major cholera outbreak, which health officials said last month had infected nearly 10,000 people and killed 150. Source link http://www.dw.com/en/tanzanian-president-john-magufuli-cleans-streets-on-independence-day/a-18907686

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  • says :
    A great step by Tanzania's new president.Thanks for sharing this wonderful information.
    Posted 18-12-2015 04:09

  • Luh Putu Budiarti says :
    I appreciate the action taken by the President of Tanzania. The action that is rarely done by the president in some countries. Very inspiring. Thanks for the great post Justine.
    Posted 15-12-2015 20:26

  • Arushi Madan says :
    I salute the new President of Tanzania for his opinions and actions. Well said, what's the use of spending/wasting money on lavish National day celebrations when country lacks basic sanitation and citizens are suffering from cholera. So impressive. Thanks for an inspirational post.
    Posted 12-12-2015 03:59

  • says :
    This is the great initiative and good example to world leaders.
    Salute to newly elected President of Tanzania
    Posted 11-12-2015 17:55

  • says :
    The efforts made by the Tanzania's new president is appreciative. A nantional Clean-up day is a great initiation towards a green world. Hope it will continue in coming days too.Thanks for sharing Justine.
    Posted 11-12-2015 00:22

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