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Resourceful Tunza Eco Generation

by Arushi Madan | 21-12-2015 19:05 recommendations 0

In commemoration of the 2015 Commonwealth theme "Young Commonwealth", the Commonwealth Youth Council (CYC) compiled success stories of 112 young achievers from across the Commonwealth and published Commonwealth Young Achievers Book titled "YOUTH".


The 323 pages book presents success stories of 112 brilliant young minds from 41 Commonwealth nations, among which 29 from 7 countries(including 9 from India) in Asia, 32 from 14 countries in Africa, 16 from 3 countries in Europe,  23 from 10 countries in Caribbean and Americas, and 12 from 7 Pacific countries. The book is made up of 59 females and 53 males achievers. It was released by the Commonwealth Youth Council (CYC) during the General Assembly of the CYC in Malta on 24th November 2015.


First, sincere thanks to Tunza Eco Gen Ambassador(to Seychelles) Ms. Shafira who was the one who shared details about this book and nominations. Shafira through her report in May shared that she was one of the 28 young achievers honoured and featured in the first ever publication "MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SEYCHELLES".and also informed all of us that CYC has decided to implement this idea globally and publish a book on global level portraying success stories of young achievers from all across the commonwealth nations. It was then that I came to know about this book. Around June, I was told that I have been selected as Commonwealth Young Achiever.


I am happy to share that 3 of the Tunza Eco Gen Ambassadors have been featured in this –Simran, Kehkashan and myself. Congrats Simran and Kehkashan.

So it's not only an honour for us but also for Tunza Eco Gen that it's ambassadors are highlighted and their efforts are appreciated through this book. Million Thanks to Tunza Eco Gen.

Tunza Eco Gen has played a significant role in shaping my eco-personality and in helping me in my journey  to such honours. 



It feels good to see that I am one of the 9 Indians featured in this book for their extra-ordinary efforts. This book is a portrayal of success stories of divers and brilliant young inspirational people from across the Commonwealth nations who have impacted in their communities and lives of others. The book aims to  serve as a monument of these contemporary young achievers. The reflections of these unique role models will inspire youths to unleash their potentials that would pave the way for a better future.


The book is available online on the CYC website under resources menu.


It can be viewed through below link:



can be downloaded through




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  • Dormant user Arushi Madan
  • recommend


  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Hello arushi
    I hope you are doing well
    Belated congratulations
    Thank you so much for report
    Green cheers
    Asmita Gaire
    Posted 31-05-2020 11:21

  • says :
    Congratulations Arushi!!!

    Posted 26-12-2015 23:16

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks Bindudi for your kind and motivating words.
    Posted 23-12-2015 02:52

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks Eco Gen for always being there to inspire us and guide us.
    Posted 23-12-2015 02:52

  • says :
    A big congratulations to dear Arushi sister, Simran and Kehkashan :) I am so proud to get involved in Tunza family with inspiring youths like us, your dedication and passion certainly deserves you to be featured in Commonwealth Young Achievers list. Keep on going dear sister, my best wishes are always there with you :)
    Posted 23-12-2015 00:07

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    Congratulations!! :D Thanks for sharing your work!!!
    Posted 22-12-2015 08:39

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks Simran and Luiz.
    Posted 21-12-2015 23:03

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Awesome Arushi! Congratz!!! =)
    Posted 21-12-2015 22:43

  • Simran Vedvyas says :
    Congrats Arushi and likewise
    Posted 21-12-2015 19:30

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