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|BRAZIL| Company turns Recyclable Waste into Eco Bikes

by Luiz Bispo | 21-12-2015 22:32 recommendations 0

Currently, the choice of having a efficient and effective public transport is something that is drawing authorities and people's attention. Moreover, bicycle paths are being built up more and more.

Besides decreasing the number of cars in street, the practice of riding a bicycle is good for health. It decreases stress and sedentary lifestyle.

Regarding to that, now you can have a bycicle made by recyclable waste, made by old materials and PET bottles.

The uruguayan Juan Muzzi, launched a company in Brazil called MuzzyCycles. The bycicles are fexible, resistant and cheap. Another interesting part of the process is that you can send your own recycable waste. Cool. Is not it? 

Explore more in http://www.muzzicycles.com.br/

Source: Eco Desenvolvimento

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  • Dormant user Luiz Bispo
  • recommend


  • says :
    Muzzi Cycles from recyclable waste. Wow! the bicycles look pretty cool. Thank you for sharing this happy news dear Luiz :)
    Posted 23-12-2015 00:12

  • Arushi Madan says :
    WOW!This is quite cool, green and eco-friendly.
    Posted 22-12-2015 03:36

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