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COP21 and My Personal Experience

by | 22-12-2015 01:54 recommendations 0

With my sincere apology for being away from my Tunza family for a while, I am much happy to share that I am back with much energy and accelerated passion. Needless to say, I have series of reports and articles to share with you. First one, I would like to start with my entirely personal experience from selection to back home, memorable journey of COP21.

Back in early September,2015 I got an email from CliMates (International think and do tank for students and young professionals) about my selection as an international delegation for blue zone in 21st session of United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP21). Undoubtedly, it was more than a dream for me to receive accreditation in most awaited COP21 but I couldn't share it loud as funding was a bit uncertain and visa permit for Schengen countries is a bit strict in Nepal. Fortunately, I got funding for my travel, couch- surfing for my stay and visa acceptance. What seemed to be dream came true and I set out for COP21 with enormous curiosity, determination and excitement.

COP21 took place from 30th November- 12th December, 2015 at Le- Bourget, Paris France. Free shuttle was arranged for reaching the venue from nearest metro stations. The shuttle and vehicle used for entire purpose was either hybrid or 100 percent electric. Away from the hustle bustle city, the grand exhibition centre was distinctly separated into two spaces i.e. Green Zone (Climate Generation Space) and Blue Zone (accessible only to the accredited personalities). Both the zones were set up keeping in mind the sustainability aspect. The interior attractive wooden structure, decorative materials, reusable cups for drinking water/coffee, waste segregating bins etc. all were eco- friendly and well managed so as to minimize waste generation. As I had accreditation only for the second week, my first week was well spent in the Green zone and busy second week in the blue zone.

Green Zone (Climate Generation Space) remained open to public from 1st- 11th December between    The jubilant atmospheres inside felt like a climate change festival. Workshops, booths of different organizations, information sharing, networking space etc. added synergistic charm to the venue. Be it Energy juice bar (where you can enjoy juice for free by pedaling a cycle), indigenous people pavilion or large TV screens for webcasting the negotiations inside blue zone, everything was focused on disseminating information and building solidarity for climate action.

Somehow different, blue zone was full of curiosity and skeptical as high level negotiations and interventions were ongoing each day with debates on different topics. As an observer I was busy tracking the negotiations and attending side events, meetings/discussions of different international organizations and networks like Climate Action Network (CAN) and YOUNGO.

Apart from the scheduled workshops/interventions and negotiations I can't miss to debrief about the different mobilization activities by youth networks. Face paint for zero net emissions by 2050, climate justice song reiteration, simulations, banner displays etc. all clearly demonstrated the concern of civil societies and youths towards just climate agreement.

In a nutshell, my two weeks at COP21 passed in no time. It was a fortunate platform for me to learn a lot more and broaden my horizon of understanding about climate change and real negotiation process. I got chance to network in green multicultural atmosphere full with youthful positive hope for sustainable earth and livable eco-system.

(This was just a brief description about my personal experience at COP21. I would be sharing series of articles both technical and non- technical in coming days regarding COP21 and my involvement.)


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  • says :
    Dear Fanisha, thank you so much for going through :)
    Posted 29-12-2015 12:44

  • says :
    Dear Udeh, I was so sorry to hear about you being unable to attend COP21 in person but nevertheless, you were following everything from distant. Thank you for adding me to the list and help in networking with activists/change makers from different parts. I am much hopeful we can make for COP22 and share about our experience in person. Thank you so much for your kind words and I feel encouraged seeing your inspiring works :)
    Posted 29-12-2015 12:40

  • says :
    Dear Yuna, yeah I had an amazing time networking and sharing at the historic platform of COP21. Thank you for your kind comments :)
    Posted 29-12-2015 12:36

  • says :
    Dear Mohit brother, thank you so much for your kind comments :) . I am about to share detailed report soon, just problem with poor internet connection. I can't miss to share my experience with my 2nd family i.e. Eco- generation :)
    Posted 29-12-2015 12:35

  • says :
    Dear Ni Putu, yeah it was a remarkable experience to live the atmosphere of negotiations at COP21. Your support has always been encouraging for me to do more and more. Thank you so much :)
    Posted 29-12-2015 12:33

  • says :
    nice to see you in COP 21. great experience Bindu
    Posted 29-12-2015 11:27

  • says :
    Great to read your report as you promised on FB. Though I missed COP 21 owing to unavoidable schedule in my country, I was following every bit of it as many of friends attended. I am glad to add you to that list too and thoroughly enjoyed your refreshing report. I will read the others soon. Welcome back dear :)
    Posted 29-12-2015 06:45

  • says :
    I hope you had a wonderful time, Thank you for sharing your amazing experience! :)

    Posted 29-12-2015 03:48

  • says :
    Congratulations Bindu di for this wonderful opportunity.Thanks for sharing.Looking forward to read and learn more from your experience at COP21.
    Posted 27-12-2015 17:32

  • says :
    It must be a remarkable experience. Thanks Bindu for sharing your experience at COP 21. It is not easy to be part of COP 21 but when looking back to what you have done so far, you deserve it. Proud of you Bindu.
    Posted 26-12-2015 19:50

  • says :
    Thank you so much dear Parbati, Nepal needs youth leader like us :)
    Posted 26-12-2015 11:32

  • says :
    You are amazing Bindu and the work you have been doing is awesome. Nepal needs a leader like you!
    Posted 25-12-2015 22:14

  • says :
    Dear Rock Lee, please have a look at my next article where I have described about our meet up. I was so glad to see you and your supportive mother at COP21. Keep up the amazing works you have been doing. I am hopeful we would see each other in COP22 as well :)
    Posted 25-12-2015 13:21

  • says :
    Dear Thinley, thank you so much for your warm welcome and invalubale support :)
    Posted 25-12-2015 12:59

  • Rock Lee says :
    Hello, Bindu! It was nice meeting you in COP21. Thanks for sharing your valuable experience! I hope to see you in COP22 as well. You've looked very confident and enthusiastic. I send to you my sincere applause!! :)
    Posted 23-12-2015 19:41

  • says :
    Thanking for sharing your great experiences and ya once again I would like to congratulates for making up and being part of COP21 Paris. Proud of you dear..
    Posted 23-12-2015 14:01

  • says :
    Dear Joshua, thank you so much for your encouraging words. I would continue my work with much more passion in coming days as well :)
    Posted 23-12-2015 12:17

  • says :
    Thank you so much dear Sujan brother ^_^
    Posted 23-12-2015 12:15

  • says :
    Bindu, you work hard and you deserved this opportunity. Great report and I'll advice that you keep the zeal up. Congrats
    Posted 23-12-2015 09:21

  • Sujan Adhikari says :
    Its amazing BIndu, nothing succeeds like your success )
    Posted 23-12-2015 00:30

  • says :
    Dear Simran, Thank you so much for your kind words :)
    Posted 23-12-2015 00:16

  • says :
    Dear Arushi sister, needless to say your comments are always inspiring and encouraging for me. Thank you so much for your kind words :) Yeah dear, it was very fruitful international platform for me especially for networking with like minded people around the world who care about mother earth :)
    Posted 23-12-2015 00:15

  • Simran Vedvyas says :
    A BIG CONGRATULATIONS Bindu, Well done and thanks for Sharing :)
    Posted 22-12-2015 03:39

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Missed you all this while Bindudi.
    Was glad to read on FB that you were selected and were going for COP21. Who else can be a better youth leader than you to carry our voice to that huge international platform. I am sure you must have enjoyed every bit of it . Happy for you.
    Thanks for sharing your experience. Looking forward to your detailed reports.
    Posted 22-12-2015 03:34

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