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Dutch Court Ruling on Shell Brings Hope to Communities in Niger Delta

by | 23-12-2015 08:36 recommendations 0

The Niger Delta region of Nigeria is one that has been faced with probably more problems than good turns for been home to an immense wealth of oil resources. The communities in this area are mostly riverine hence have a major percentage of their population earning their livelihood from the Sea resources making fishing a major occupation here. But that was when the fishes were available. Repeated oil spillage has left their water contaminated and aquatic animals suffocated. Time and time again, they take to the street or call on the government to complain over the destructive activities of oil companies operating in their land but nothing concrete has ever come out of such. The companies apparently valued the black Gold much more than the living creatures which their activities threatens their existence. But, justice may be months away for people of this communities as an Appeal court in Netherlands "has ruled that Royal Dutch Shell can be held liable for oil spills at its Nigerian subsidiary. The decision overturns a ruling by a lower court in 2013, which found the parent company could not be held liable". Shell is a huge Dutch multi-national oil company which also operates in Nigeria especially in the Niger-delta region.

The case started in 2008 when an environment campaign group, Friends of the earth and four Nigerian farmers cum fishermen filed a suit against Shell in its parent country, Holland, which host its headquarters. The suit is about oil spillage in the some communities in the Niger Delta which locals believe where caused by the oil company and also, they have accused the company of destroying their livelihood.

According to the court statement, "Shell can be taken to court in the Netherlands for the effects of the oil spills".

"Shell is also ordered to provide access to documents that could shed more light on the cause of the leaks".

But the company has expressed disappointment in the ruling arguing that the matter should be heard in Nigeria apparently looking to take undue advantage of Nigeria's weak laws in this regard.


According to environewsnigeria, Shell has always blamed the leakages on sabotage which under Nigerian law would mean it is not liable to pay compensation. But the Dutch court said on Friday, "It is too early to assume that the leaks were caused by sabotage".

Environment groups have hailed the ruling saying it will open the door for more of such cases.

But then, Nigeria needs to review her law as regards oil exploration with the multinational companies and add some strict measures especially now that the world is transit from fossil fuels to clean energy. I hope these farmers get justice in the end and soon. They have families to take care of, a future to pursue and also deserve to live in a healthy environment.


Source: environewsnigeria


                  (2) businessnews.com.ng

2) Oil spill in Nigeria1) Two of the four Nigerian farmers (Chief Fidelis A. Oguru-Oruma (left) and Eric Dooh) sit in the law courts in The Hague on October 11, 2012.

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  • Arushi Madan says :
    It's sad that communities in oil rich region of Niger Delta have to face the careless attitude of oil companies like Shell. Oil spills are very harmful to marine birds and animals. Good to hear that environmentalists sued Shell and won the ruling. It will serve as deterrant for other such companies. You are right , your country needs to put strict laws and regulations for oil companies to safeguard the interest of communities and environment. Thanks for the report.
    Posted 23-12-2015 17:16

  • says :
    Dear Udeh, it's tragic to know that livelihood of several riverine families in Niger Delta region is seriously affetced by oil spill. Nevertheless, we can see rays of hope with the new statement from Dutch court. I hope the Shell takes accountability and transparency for the issue and families get appropriate compensation. Thank you for sharing the issue dear :)
    Posted 23-12-2015 12:49

  • says :
    Oil spill is very dangerous to aquatic environments. Its good to hear this progress
    Posted 23-12-2015 09:13

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