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Discovering Tunza and Climate Change Lecture at Matyrs of Uganda

by | 23-12-2015 09:07 recommendations 0

On the 15th of December, 2015, Matyrs of Uganda and Luampa High School received Tunza Regional Ambasssador to Ghana, Joshua Amponsem, for a climate lecture with focus on children involvement in climate action and green life style with lessons from ?Understanding Climate Change? – a course offered by a Young Africa Leadership Initiative.

Upon arrival in the school, I met Sylvester Osei – an Eco-generation member and a staff of this great institution. He led me to the principal office where I introduced myself again and received a warm welcome from the principal and other staff of the school.

After about 30 minutes of introductions, I was led to the computer lab of the school. The place was well prepared and the students were ready to learn about climate change and how they can use Tunza Eco-generation to fight climate action.

The lecture highlighted on the science, effects and solution to combating climate change. Keywords in climate change education such as Green House Gases, Fossil Fuel, Renewable Energy, Adaptation and Mitigation were explained prior to the lecture.

After the climate lecture, I explained to the children the benefits of being a member of Tunza and how possible it is for them to connect with hundreds of their peers online who are working towards a green future for planet Earth.

I also taught the students how to sign up for Tunza and participate in all events, activities and other resourceful opportunities available on Tunza. For those who were below 13 years, Fun World is readily available and I encouraged all of them to join and benefit from such a great initiative.

At the end of the event, the staff congratulated me for spending time with their students to enlighten them on climate change – one the planet?s greatest threat.

I addressed about 60 students, of ages 12-16 years. My personal vision is to see one of these kids join the Global Youth Eco-Leadership Summit someday.

Thank you, Green Africa Youth Organization, Young Africa Leadership Initiative and Tunza Eco-generation for your continuous support towards green action.

Photograph with class reps and leaders after the event. Some staff of the institution present at the lecturestudents listening to the science of climate changeFrom Left: SylvesterOsei, Joshua Amponsem, Principal of the Institution.

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  • Arushi Madan says :
    Good job, Joshua. Spreading environmental values among young children is an important part in fighting global issues like climate change. Glad to know that you made them aware of Tunza Eco Gen and promoted it so well. Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 23-12-2015 17:29

  • Luh Putu Budiarti says :
    Nice actions :)
    Thanks for sharing :)
    Posted 23-12-2015 15:49

  • says :
    Dear Joshua, I appreciate your sincere efforts in spreading the knowledge about climate change and sensitizing young minds with eco- friendly lifestyle. Much happy to know you promoted our Tunza Eco- generation among children. Hats off, keep on going my dear :)
    Posted 23-12-2015 12:20

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