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Rainwater collection in UAE

by | 08-01-2016 23:51 recommendations 0

It occasionally rains in UAE , but whenever it rains it rains cats and dogs in UAE .The recent rains in the UAE have resulted in the collection of more than 97 million gallons of rainwater, announces the Ministry of Environment and Water of the country.The water has been collected from numerous dams and barriers across the country.

In 2014, word around town was that the UAE might run out of water in the future if action is not taken. So this is how the government has started taking actions and the results are coming out really well.

?According to the United Nations Water Programme, water scarcity already affects almost every continent and more than 40 per cent of the people on our planet. By 2025, 1.8 billion people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity, and two-thirds of the world?s population could be living under water-stressed conditions,? said Al Mubarak. ?We feel this acutely in the Arab region of the 22 Arab League nations, eight have the lowest water availability per capita in the world.?
Meanwhile, according to the UN Environment Programme, the UAE has, for years, been among countries with the highest per capita water consumption in the world.
It looks like rainwater collection could definitely help this situation.

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  • says :
    REally smart idea!
    hope will be very effective!
    Posted 15-01-2016 20:28

  • says :
    Rain water harvesting is a great technique to conserve water.Great steps by UAE.Thanks for sharing.:)
    Posted 13-01-2016 14:16

  • says :
    Wow! Great job, I'm indeed motivated. I've got a lot of work to do here in Nigeria.
    Keep it up
    Posted 12-01-2016 18:56

  • says :
    Harvesting rainwater is a economic and rational. It means a lot if the collected more than 97 millions gallons of rainwater is used properly. Thank you for sharing dear Harmanjot :)
    Posted 12-01-2016 11:27

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Rain water harvesting is of great importance to the UAE. Well shared
    Posted 11-01-2016 16:14

  • says :
    Yes, your article makes sense. The stability is far more important than the total amount of rain water. If UAE can utilize every drop of rain water, it will be a great step forward to solving the water scarcity problem.
    Posted 11-01-2016 13:44

  • says :
    Thanks everyone . :)
    Posted 11-01-2016 01:45

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Collecting rainwater is one of the best ways to utilise and conserve water. Thanks for reporting.
    Posted 09-01-2016 04:36

  • Prakriti Dhakal says :
    water saving !
    nice concept !
    Posted 09-01-2016 02:21

  • Aabha Pokharel says :
    UAE is really doing gr8 job... water saving is one of the best idea to protect environment..... thanks for this nice report.
    Posted 09-01-2016 00:09

  • says :
    Good to know that UAE has taken such great step towards water saving .
    Thanks for reporting .
    Posted 08-01-2016 23:53

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