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Post COP21: Information sharing and Prize Distribution

by | 18-01-2016 12:21 recommendations 0

Dear Mates,

Green Greetings!


I have already shared a series of articles regarding my experience at 21st session of United Nations Conference of Climate Change (COP21). In this article I would like to share about an event where I shared my experience amidst youth representatives of different youth led organizations.

On 11th January, 2016 Nepalese Youth for Climate Action (NYCA)- Chitwan chapter organized an event "Post COP21: Information sharing and Prize Distribution" at Agriculture and Forestry University, Chitwan Nepal. The event aimed at presenting me and my respected Professor Dr. Krishna Kafle as speaker focusing on the outcomes of COP21 and how the climate change is affecting our agriculture and livestock. Also, the event was for handing over prizes to the winners of Open National Blog Competition entitled "COP21: What's your message for Global Leaders?" launched by NYCA- Chitwan in early November 2015.

Professors of different faculties and Youth representatives from different youth led organizations in the university attended the event. I shared in sequence why COP21 was an accented negotiation, about the outcomes of COP21 (bright and dark sides), position of Nepal at COP21 and my personal experience while observing the negotiation closely in the blue zone. My Professor Dr. Kafle, spoke about the relation of climate change and agriculture.

I received wonderful feedback and appreciation from the professors, guests and participants about my passion on climate change and my efforts for youth empowerment. It was an honor to represent Tunza Eco- generation among bunch of dynamic leaders attending the event.

On 12th December, 2015 an unprecedented historic agreement was adopted at COP21, Paris which aims at limiting the global rise in temperature "well below 2 degrees" compared to pre- industrial level. It was a privilege for me to get directly involved in this historic COP21. I am much hopeful that youths like us will be pivotal in implementing this agreement for a sustainable better earth.

Last but above all, I would like to quote what Mother Teresa said," Glory lies in doing small things with great love." Let us join hands to spread green love across the globe.

Also, I can't miss to express my gratitude to dear Aksana Dallakoti sister, former ambassador of Tunza Eco- generation who had been there in the event, supporting and encouraging the organizing team. Thankful to the organizer, all the participants and honorable guests who made it productive.


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  • Aabha Pokharel says :
    Thank you sis you are doing such a great work..
    For many students and kids, even me, you are motivator.
    Thank you for sharing this..
    Posted 20-01-2016 15:12

  • says :
    Dear Rohan brother, I double agree with you, sharing experience increases our knowledge and understanding. Thank you for your warm feedback :)
    Posted 20-01-2016 03:11

  • says :
    Dear Yuna, thank you for going through the report. Hopefully we can attend some productive conferences together in near future :)
    Posted 20-01-2016 03:09

  • says :
    Dear Christy sister, It is obvious to have a big smile in my face every time I hear your warm comments. Thank you so much for your evergreen inspiration. It was great time with Aksana sister and many other youth leaders ^_^
    Posted 20-01-2016 03:07

  • says :
    Dear Arushi sister, Thank you so much for your kinds words as always :)
    Posted 20-01-2016 03:02

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Bindu Di, Sharing the knowledge and experience, from COP21 or any other source, increases your knowledge.
    Very thoughtful of you & thanks for sharing wonderful pics as well.
    Posted 19-01-2016 19:13

  • says :
    OMG Bindu :) you were sucha amazing motivator, I wish I could one day attend conferences like COP21 like you and represent Ecogen!! Good job!
    Posted 19-01-2016 09:49

  • says :
    Oh my lovely little sisters did a wonderful work! Thumbs up for Bindu and Aksana. I missed both of you a lot :D I am so proud that you shared your experience and the correct analysis to children and youth in your community. Again, good job done by beautiful girls!!
    Posted 18-01-2016 19:01

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Oh Nice! You shared your knowledge and experience(from COP21) with other youngsters. That's nice. True-Let us join hands to spread green love across the globe. Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 18-01-2016 18:03

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