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Time for Global Action

by | 18-01-2016 15:50 recommendations 0

Give me money, I will run business. Give me weapons, I will control a nation. And Give me Youths, I will rule whole world. This is the reflection of youths power from youth perception. Mary McLeod Bethune rightly said ?We have a powerful potential in our youth, and we must have the courage to change old ideas and practices so that we may direct their power toward good ends." Fact that world population is getting younger further signifies role of youths for people and planet in coming days. Like Jose Rizal often stresses we youths are really hope for future.

It's crystal clear that Youths are the fulcrum of any societal changes. When United Nations has successfully galvanised support for the implementation of the ambitious and historic new Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs), it's a  time youth unleash their potentialities. It's a time to take action, implement ideas and transform the society in the way every human being has dreamt of. What is more beautiful than starting the action at present time? The time which itself is being celebrated as ?Time for Global Action for people and planet?.

For me, ?Inception?, ?Implementation? and ?Dissemination? are three keys to triumph every actions. Being at realm of this trilogy of actions, Youths from every nook and corner need to stride forward, take lead and prove their meaningful existence in society. Quoting Aristotle ?Goods habits formed at Youths make all the differences?, Youth from every profession and walks of life need to commence habit of implementing ideas  be it small or large and with alacrity.

If you are an agriculturalist, incept the idea of amalgamating ?Hybrid Varieties? and ?Organic Farming?. Some of you do research, urge local University and Research Centre to en route their new research in this part. Some go out to field. Take a shovel. Dig soil and start farming. Agriculturalist at urban areas promote organic rooftop farming. Expand business and network.  Most importantly, share your achievement.

Consider yourself as writer? Take out pen and paper. Start publishing ?How we are tormenting our mother earth? and emphasize the mitigating strategies carried out by youths.

If you are in engineer sector, Lobby your consultancy to adopt environment friendly actions. If you are in Energy sector, prove how economic, profitable and sustainable are the renewable sources. This could range from using solar in abandoned areas and rooftops to use of electric vehicles, energy efficient machines and devices in company.

Engaged in Health sector? Endorse the saying ?Prevention is better than Cure?. Initiate healthy habit of cycling, walking and regular exercise( whichever possible) which doesn?t only keep our body fit but also uphold environment in fine fettle. Promote culture of planting trees and egg on  patient  to maintain greeneries.  Youths in health sector should be emphatic in promoting eco-friendly healthy habits. The reason is simple- People will become more cautious when they realise degrading environment means worsening health condition.

Embark on culture of planting your favourite trees in birthday. Take selfie with it and share among your circle. Trees are cheapest and best method of carbon sequestration. Additionally, continuous habit of gifting plants and vase on different occasion will give phenomenal result. Just imagine if every youths plant two tree in birthday, how many trees will be there in a year and how much in next decade. Tremendous number.

Many youths struggle to come out of poverty. Many of them are slapped by unemployment and underpayment. Most of them get dismayed. To eradicate poverty as explicitly mentioned in SDGs,  youth should spawn atmosphere of eco-entrepreneurship. If youths are living in coastal region, ocean fishery, boating and skating tourism could be their viable business. Youths living at Himalayan range could opt for Apple Farming and mountaineering. Youths located near National parks and touristic region could initiate their own trekking, hotel business or wild life safari business. Youths can promote agri-cum-eco-tourism like in Darjeeling and Illam.

While talking about entrepreneurship, I often like to cite my own brother. A well educated man undaunted by unemployment, he rather established his own business firm of Vermicompost. Analysing market potential, he initiated vermiculture and now it's top notch business in our locality. Instead of being job seeker, he has now become job provider. Correspondingly, he runs motivational workshops and training for youths all over nations. That?s the path where we youths be heading.

We youths are multi-potential. We need to analyse degrading environment situation, explore multiple options and take in action from where we are. Let?s remember every action counts.
We all human being are brothers and sisters of our Mother Earth. The duty of its protection is on me. It?s in you. And It?s on us. We Youths!!! Time is Now!!!


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  • says :
    Hehe yeah!!! correctly pointed Rohan :D
    I see this energy radiating from you as well hehe
    Posted 20-01-2016 01:53

  • says :
    HEhe Thank you Yuna for being convinced :P :D
    Posted 20-01-2016 01:52

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Youth power is immense & Rahul is on fire in 2016. Keep it ignited & motivate us as well. All the best.
    Posted 19-01-2016 13:05

  • says :
    Your article sounds very convincing :D Thank you for sharing!
    Posted 19-01-2016 09:39

  • says :
    Its obvious we can do from wherever we are and whenever we can. Youths of todays needs to be nurtured to better prepare themselves as a mindful future leader. thanks for spending your time reading my report Arushi and giving awesome feedback. ^_^
    Posted 19-01-2016 03:13

  • says :
    Well, we can be old if we wish to :P But we can be young as long as we want to be :P :D :P :D
    and hell yeah!!! I am on fire for 2016 )
    Posted 19-01-2016 03:08

  • says :
    Thanks for thoroughly going to the report Tancerjit
    Posted 19-01-2016 03:06

  • says :
    Glad you went through the report Aabha ^_^
    Posted 19-01-2016 02:55

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for an amazing write up. It's nice to read the ideal crux or motto to be adopted while being in any profession. Youth are, indeed, the most powerful weapon for any nation and they/we should be used in the right way , their potential should be tapped for the betterment of society, environment, nation and the world at large.
    Posted 18-01-2016 23:02

  • says :
    Great article, it shows that you are on fire in the year of 2016! We are still so young(according to our chat just before) and the potential is infinite.
    Posted 18-01-2016 18:18

  • says :
    youth are a real and a powerful weapon to change the world either way .
    It's out duty to aware then and lead them to the right path before it gets too late .
    A very well written Article .
    Posted 18-01-2016 18:18

  • Aabha Pokharel says :
    ' Inception, Implementation, Dissemination are three keys to triumph every actions ' I am agree with this sentence. Really this trilogy are really important for every actions. Thank you for such a wonderful and inspiring report.
    Posted 18-01-2016 17:25

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