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by | 18-01-2016 17:53 recommendations 0

While speaking about resolution, I saw one post on twitter saying ?My New Year Resolution for 2016 is to accomplish my goal of 2015 which I should have done by 2014 because I made them in 2013 and planned at 2012?. Funny but true with most of our resolution. This doesn?t mean we should cease to make a resolution.

Again , in a daily national newspaper, I got to read an interesting article about making resolution and how to make it work out.  Similar to this, I was taught that our Goals should be ?SMART?- Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time bounded. So for 2016, I am trying to make only few attainable goals. Its feel always good to tick the numerous goals I have set than not to tick any over ambitious goals.


First, I will try to do is use public vehicle as much as possible and walk instead of taking vehicles for short distance. With continuous shortage of petrol, it will be quite easy for me to shed off my use of private vehicle.  It might be of medium difficult for me but I will review this goal every two months and track my record.

Secondly, I will try to reach out to some rural communities this time and make the aware about ?Climate Justice?. Urban and educated people know about environmental changes but its rural people who have to face the music of the crime that they have not even committed. Must ironically it?s the same rural people who don?t even know that it?s happening to them. So I will try to expand my comfort zone from Urban/Peri Urban to rural communities.

These are my two flagship resolution   which I want to make it happen.


I will try to record my monthly carbon foot print record and see the seasonal fluctuation. Hopeful carbon footprint calculation will make me aware of whether i am on track or i have deviated.

And yes, minimizing my Carbon footprint, re beautifying my garden, continuing my other environmental activities will always be with me.

Slogan for this year resolution ?BE HAPPY?


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  • says :
    all the best for your meaningful reolutions Rahul . :)
    Posted 11-02-2016 12:34

  • Aabha Pokharel says :
    You are so active in this field. We know you can do it.
    Good wishes to fulfill your resolutions.
    Posted 20-01-2016 15:08

  • says :
    I do hope so Rohan and I am preparing for that.
    Posted 20-01-2016 01:49

  • says :
    XD Thank you yuna :D
    Posted 20-01-2016 01:48

  • says :
    Thank you Soram ^_^
    Posted 20-01-2016 01:02

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Attainable goals must be aimed, correct Rahul.
    But I believe that we must push ourselves & shun the comforts, than only new milestones may be achieved.
    Your resolutions are achievable & I'm sure you will achieve both.
    Posted 19-01-2016 12:24

  • says :
    I love your resolutions :) Especially what you set on the first line xD haha
    Posted 19-01-2016 09:33

  • says :
    Go for it, Rahul!! Wishing you all the best for your new year resolution!!! :)
    Posted 19-01-2016 09:24

  • says :
    hehe :P
    I'll give my best shot Arushi. Thanks for inspiring this new year resolution session ^_^
    Posted 19-01-2016 02:51

  • says :
    Yeah I was ROFL when i saw the tweet. Simply it depicts relaity of resolution in hyeterical manner. hehe. and yes, i will tryh my best to keep up with resolution :D
    Posted 19-01-2016 02:49

  • says :
    I will do my best Tanverjit :D
    Posted 19-01-2016 02:48

  • Arushi Madan says :
    LOL-your first para....
    Thanks for sharing your great resolutions. All the best Rahul for achieving them.
    Posted 18-01-2016 23:04

  • says :
    Your first paragraph made me laugh a lot, because it's so true :D
    I wish you all the best for your resolutions!
    Posted 18-01-2016 18:15

  • says :
    Wonderful resolutions .
    keep up with these resolutions .

    Posted 18-01-2016 18:12

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