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New Year's Resolution

by | 19-01-2016 13:20 recommendations 0

Three weeks passed since New Year of 2016 and I haven?t still really thought of what I should be working on this year. Out of busy schedule I finally found the time to reflect on last year and think of goals I would like to achieve this year.

            Last year was very tough year for me. My busy schedule always overwhelmed me. But it was also definitely one of the most memorable year. Joining Tunza Eco-generation family was one of the most memorable thing I?ve done. Reading through other ambassador?s reports, I was very ashamed, and at the same time, motivated to do better. Thus, this year I plan to pay more attention and take more actions toward Environmental issues.

            Due to Paris Conference last year (COP21) all the country has to reduce carbon footprints. To see how much I produce carbon footprint, I reflected upon my day. Through this reflection, I realized that I need to make more effort to be more eco-friendly. For instance, as 10 minutes of shower release 1130g of carbon footprint. My mom gives me a ride to school, which take around 2100gCO2. I take care of most of my work on my laptop or my galaxy note 4, which costs around 1350g of CO2. Drinking coffee daily will be resolved by planting three little trees. All these can be reduced with little effort. Thus, I pledge to take quick shower, saving water and producing less carbon footprint at the same time. I probably need a ride to school in the busy morning, but I pledge to make an attempt to walk afterschool. I pledge to drink less coffee, and so on.

            Further, I want to visit Tunza Eco-gen website more often. I admit that 2015 was busy year for me. I also know that 2016 will be even busier year, as this is my last year before college application process. However, I want to try to report more, as well as read others? articles and write comment on every report. By doing so I want to get more involved in Eco-gen family and get motivated from other?s such impressive actions.

            Lastly, I want to finish strong with the nature book I?m working on. I?ve started this project with my city manager a year ago, and have dedicated over 500+ of my hours to write a book on 220+ native plants found on my local community. I want to make sure I finish strong and publish the book by this summer so that I can donate the books to public libraries and community centers for people to read and learn more about environment.


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  • says :
    Great plans. I wish you all the best
    Posted 24-01-2016 23:30

  • says :
    @Aabha, I wish I'll be more active in the future!
    I always get motivated here :D
    Thank you as well
    Posted 20-01-2016 15:33

  • says :
    @Arushi, Thank you so much for your warm comments on all of my reports !
    I always enjoy reading your reports as well, and you're such a motivator!

    Posted 20-01-2016 15:32

  • says :
    @Tanverjit, Happy New Year too! :)
    I hope to publish it soon and distribute it asap :D
    Posted 20-01-2016 15:31

  • Aabha Pokharel says :
    You are so active Yuna and good wishes from my side to achieve your resolutions.
    Though busy schedule, you are going together with Tunza and glad to know about your Nature book .
    Thank you for sharing.

    Posted 20-01-2016 14:59

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for sharing your NY resolutions. All the best for achieving them.
    Very happy for you that you are working on nature book and have already spent so much time. I sincerely hope and pray that you are able to finish that very soon and the book becomes very popular and becomes an informative tool for readers. I would love to read it too. You intend to donate it to public libraries etc -it's such a noble gesture. Proud of you, Yana.
    Posted 19-01-2016 17:32

  • says :
    A very Happy New Year Yuna , and welcome back .Your efforts to reduce the Carbon Footprints are great and i hope you're still trying to reduce even more of it.
    And talking about your book , i hope that you finish your great writing ASAP , so that people can read it and get motivated by your writings in the book .
    Good luck .
    Posted 19-01-2016 16:00

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