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Last Year's Reflection

by | 19-01-2016 14:10 recommendations 0

As I reported on New Year?s Resolution for 2016, I also wanted to reflect on last year?s environmental issues. Nmerous environmental challenges have been issued Considerable amount of environmental activists dedicated their precious time to help out as well. To summarize briefly, I narrowed down the issues to three most notable events.

            First event would definitely be the COP21, also known as Paris Climate Conference or Paris Conference. From November 30th, 2015 through December 11th, many leaders from over 195 country as well as passionate environment leaders and activists, including our proud fellow ambassador Bindu, participated in this conference to discuss on future plans and prevent global warming. Leaders concluded to limit global warming to 1.5 Celsius, as 1.6 Celsius or high temperature rise will lead to 18% of living species in danger.

            Second event would be the scandal from Volkswagen. GVolkswagen is a German car manufacturer. This well-known company has three cars that ranks top-10 best seller. Last September, however, Gvolkswagen had an infamous scandal known as the worst scandal of all. In order to hide their release of nitrogen oxide rate that is up to 40 times higher than the standard level, the company has manipulated the record. Nitrogen oxide, as well known, is the main contributor to the acid rain. It also causes smog and various types of respiratory illnesses. Therefore the regulation on Nitrogen oxide has been strictly controlled worldwide. Because of negative impact on environment and our health Nitrogen oxide has, many were upset with this world-wide famous vehicle company for its dishonesty. Gvolkswagen has been placed $28,000,000,000 penalty for this scandal, and will further be charged with sues from consumers. Through this scandal, many companies learned that no organizations or company, that demonstrates to be eco-friendly but contradicts its words, can be welcomed.

            Last issue is about the air pollution from the fine particulate matters in the air. ?Particulate matter,? also known as particle pollution or PM, is a complex mixture of extremely small particles and liquid droplets. They are made of numerous components, such as acids, organic chemicals, metals and soil or dust particles. (United States Environmental Protection Agency.) These particles can be a leading potential factor to cause health problems. More than half of these particle matters are caused due to car or industry smogs. In respond, well-known environmental organization, Greenpeace, has created campaign to increase limits and regulations on factories and stop building further fossil fuel plants.

Credit: Laboratory for ECO Consumption Miso Story


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  • says :
    COP21 was a great and long waiting event for global environmental activists.
    Posted 24-01-2016 23:27

  • says :
    @Arushi, I hope to see good news as well :)
    Posted 20-01-2016 15:33

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Last year was a mix of good and bad events on global level. But the year concluded well with successful COP21 to fight climate change. Let's hope this year, we are all able to care for Mother Earth in a better, more respectful and responsible manner and let's hope that all nations start acting to meet the commitments they made at COP21.
    Thanks for the report.
    Posted 19-01-2016 17:36

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