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Nature and Nurture-Gardening Programmes in Dubai Schools

by Arushi Madan | 19-01-2016 23:52 recommendations 0

More than 25 per cent of Dubai's private schools grow food, according to new statistics released by the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) during the latest edition of 'What Works'(event hosted by KHDA), which focused on gardening in schools as a tool to improve student learning.

Many schools in Dubai have already created their own green space and started growing fruits and vegetables successfully in school farms.

It is inspiring to see passionate teachers sending a positive message to students and parents. Many of these learners are seeing food grow right in front of them for the first time.

Children who grow their own food are more likely to eat fresh fruits and vegetables or express a preference for these foods. Gardening has also been linked with greater student achievement in science.

Report is inspiring schools to take up the challenge of growing their own food.

Children should not have to leave their neighbourhood to live, learn and earn in a better way. In the back of each classroom, something is always growing. In order to be well read, you have to be well fed and we all need to grow healthier schools.

A special workshop on urban gardening hosted at 'What Works' helped teachers learn more about growing their own garden in small spaces.

Gardening programmes have been considered particularly effective at engaging 'non-academic learners' and children with challenging behaviours.

Students who participated in a one-year gardening programme showed a significant increase in self-understanding and the ability to work in groups compared to non-participating students. What Works SteAm (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) also showcased successful student projects.

 Depending on the school, gardening initiatives are either extra-curricular programmes or fully integrated with the curriculum through science and entrepreneurship. Many initiatives are student-led in Dubai schools. Gardening initiatives involve students of all school grades (KG-12).


Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) ensures that  schools in Dubai  deliver high quality education to students, nurture their holistic development, inculcate academic and environmental values in them  and promote the growth of Dubai.

Source , Gulf News , KHDA 


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  • Dormant user Arushi Madan
  • recommend


  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Hello arushi
    I hope you are doing well
    Very nice to know about it
    Thank you so much for report
    Green cheers
    Asmita Gaire
    Posted 31-05-2020 11:19

  • says :
    Nice! Nice!! Nice!!! I love your activity
    Posted 24-01-2016 23:20

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    Great education initiative! :)
    Posted 22-01-2016 09:25

  • says :
    Thank you for the report, Arushi! My school plants fruits too but we only do it as an event for earth day which is quite sad actually. Hopefully my school would be able to plant our own fruits and vegetables as a daily basis and not only on earth day.
    Posted 21-01-2016 22:33

  • says :
    Amazing initiative by the schools to motivate kids towards a greener nature .
    Thanks for reporting Arushi .
    Posted 21-01-2016 02:49

  • says :
    In my opinion also providing pratical knowledge is more beneficial,
    so keep on doing

    Posted 21-01-2016 00:47

  • Jamaica Layos says :
    This is also similar in our school when i was still in elementary, here in Bantayan Island! :)
    Posted 20-01-2016 22:30

  • says :
    I found a similar program in my local community, and it seems to work well both saving environment and raising awareness!
    Thank you for the report :)
    Posted 20-01-2016 15:37

  • Aabha Pokharel says :
    Wow nature and gardening in school...
    Incredible work, students will be very much awared..
    Thank you for sharing..
    Posted 20-01-2016 14:44

  • Dewi Retno S says :
    Gardening can increase children awareness on environmental. Also, it's essential for children to play and study in nature, not only in classroom. Thanks for sharing :)
    Posted 20-01-2016 13:21

  • Prakriti Dhakal says :
    Glad to know about the report .
    Really a great green idea .

    Posted 20-01-2016 01:37

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