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Tunza Eco Generation Awareness Program at Sos Hermann Gmeiner School

by | 20-01-2016 00:00 recommendations 0

I always feel bestowed to be a part of SOS family. Its one of the best decision that I took to pursue my higher study in this school. Where can you meet teachers who even after leaving the school for like 5 years remember you by your name, give some time amid their business and always wel come you by heart? Their emotions are reflected in their face and eyes.

SOS gave us so many things to us. It shaped our thinking, made us capable of being what we are and provided us how to have a vision not only for today but for a foreseeable future.  Lucky as we are to be a proud alumni of glorious Sos Hermann Gmeiner, I sometime feel that we need to give SOS something back, something which I felt is necessary to these budding students with great zeal and expectation from the life.

So, with the idea of our beloved brother Bikal Ghimire (also Ambassador for Tunza Eco Generation) and I went to SOS Hermann Gmeiner School along with highly proactive and achieving friend Prarthana Neupane and emerging environmentalist Abha Pokhrel, ?

We went to school, we were warmly welcomed with the same happy gesture in their face. As we greeted each other, so many students came towards us. Quite surprised to see how much they have matured. Such a drastic change could be seen in these juniors but yes their manners and discipline still the same.

After little bit of chit chat with them, we shared we have come up with very interesting things with you.  We could gauge their excitement. And this is how we began our Tunza Eco Generation Awareness Program.

With Abha starting the session, Bikal Ghimire brother and I (Rahul Acharya) started sharing about what is tunza, UNEP, Samsung Engineering, Who we are, how we got selected and little sharing about our own activities along with different opportunities exclusively made for youths like us.

This was followed by video presentation which depicted human encroachment on nature along with motivational section of engaging with environmental activities from early age.

After that, Bikal brother started ?Tunza Eco Generation? session where he taught about how to login with tunza, where to post it and about different articles.  Immediately, I taught them about fun sections like comics, drawing, animation and games. I also described them about GYELS opportunities, Hidden Eco Hero, Monthly Events, Yearly themes and so forth. We were very happy students were grasping every bit of words we said.

Finally towards the ends, we ran a quiz session. We asked various questions regarding tunza eco generation, different international days and so forth. We rewarded each participants who gave correct answer. Like we promised in the beginning, we gave gifts to three best participants based on their performance and engagement.

They gave us such a huge applaud after our completion of the session which was really encouraging. We wrapped up our program with regular group.

I must say this kind of atmosphere of competition really played a pivotal role to make our whole session completely interactive and engaging. I could guess there were lots of questions popping up in their mind. Even though our program was meant for 1 hours, we exceed this time by double. Seeing the enthusiasm in students, our teachers let us carried out whole session uninterrupted.

This way another memory was created in My alma mater and this time with my Tunza Eco Generation Family. 

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  • says :
    Thanks a lot Shaun, Rohan and Udeh
    hehe Exactly right Rohan ^_^
    Posted 02-02-2016 13:49

  • says :
    Great job Rahul and Bikal. Big congratulations.
    Posted 01-02-2016 09:08

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    This is excellent team work Dear Rahul. As usual very inspiring & motivating. it feels great to go back to your school and give them back what you learned.
    Wow! Amazing.
    Posted 30-01-2016 22:42

  • says :
    Great work my friend let's create change to better the environment
    Posted 29-01-2016 03:05

  • says :
    Great work my friend let's create change to better the environment
    Posted 29-01-2016 03:04

  • says :
    Thank you everyone for appreciating and giving your valuable time to read the report. ^_^
    Posted 26-01-2016 21:06

  • says :
    Nice event. Great job, mate.
    Posted 24-01-2016 23:13

  • says :
    With this, I am motivated to host this kind of event in my country.
    Posted 24-01-2016 15:07

Dharmendra Kapri

  • says :
    u all guys have provide good information to the student, now it is our duty to promote environmental awareness
    Posted 22-01-2016 10:32

  • says :
    Thank you for your report! What a great work you guys have done! Keep it up guys!!!
    Posted 21-01-2016 22:30

  • says :
    we really enjoyed with u some yrs later, too as we used to do earlier. now its our duty to promote awareness on tundra eco generation
    Posted 21-01-2016 01:16

  • says :
    we really enjoyed with u some yrs later, too as we used to do earlier. now its our duty to promote awareness on tundra eco generation
    Posted 21-01-2016 01:16

  • says :
    You guys are doing great work together .
    Keep it up !
    Posted 21-01-2016 00:23

  • says :
    Good job, you did a great job representing Tunza& motivating students :)
    Posted 20-01-2016 15:38

  • Aabha Pokharel says :
    Students were motivated so much..Great program brother..
    Posted 20-01-2016 14:42

  • says :
    Thank you brother , it was really great time with you all in sos....
    Posted 20-01-2016 02:22

  • says :
    Thank you so much arushi
    Posted 20-01-2016 02:06

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Another great environment awareness & TEG promotion session by you all-great work. Keep it up.
    Posted 20-01-2016 00:41

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