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Operation Green Sahel: A lost hope?

by | 20-01-2016 13:43 recommendations 0

I first of all wish a Happy New Year to all the Tunza Eco-Generation and I am very sorry for my absence in this website. Missed all of you. I decided to comeback with an interesting that of Operation Green Sahel.

Operation Green Sahel as the name can show is an initative launched by the Cameroonian Government in the 1980s, this was to stop the rapid spread of desertification in the Northern part of the country. It is difficult to find an old person that failed to that. This operation was a civic duty and high school students were mostly recruited for that duty, this helped to develop their patriotic heart and to try to bring a solution to this part that was suffering from a global problem. This Operation finally ceased due to mismanagement and lack of funds. Fortunately for the Northern Part of the country,The Government through the Prime Minister launched the National Program for Afforestation on the 18th of July 2006. Then came the turn of the Ministry of Environment and Substainable Development who launched the 2nd phase of this operation on the 15th of June 2008 by Mr Nana Abdoulaye Diallo former Minister Delegate to this Ministry. The Far-North being the most touched, the Ministry saw no reason to launch this operation in this region that is really suffering from the impacts of desertification. This Operation will come as a saviour to boost the planting of trees in the Norther Part of the country and to help in fighting what we all call now as Desertification.

Every Year during summer holidays, through collaboration with the Ministry of Youth and Civic Participation. Students generally from High School are recruited. These students are taken in the regions and will be dispatched through out their region. They will help in bringing a helping hand to this great move brought upon by the Cameroon Government. They receive a certain amount at the end of their volunteering which will help them in preparing for their school year.The Government through this operation also offer cooking materials to households these materials are used to stop the excessive cutting down of trees as firewood.

This Operation though full of hopes remains with low expectancies, this is due to the mismanagement by some authorities and lack of funds to carry out a substantial project. This project harshly failed in the Logone and Chari division of the Far-North, People keep asking themselves if this project can meet the hopes of a whole nation. The task remains to the Government to draw up an adequate plan and call upon financers to help construct a great project which will help in the fight against Deforestation which remains a deadly weapon in the Northern Part of Cameroon.

I wish every a Happy Environmental Friendly Year and also call upon everybody to help save our Planet.



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  • says :
    Great efforts from Cameroonian Government. Thank you for sharing
    Posted 25-01-2016 23:39

  • says :
    Happy New Year. I think Cameroon is doing well environmentally.
    Posted 24-01-2016 23:11

  • says :
    Happy new year!! Arushi is right. Big corporates and the government should invest in these projects as it would help them too. It's better to spend a little money that would help all of us in the future.
    Posted 21-01-2016 22:27

  • says :
    Wish you a very happy new year mate and welcome back .
    Glad to know you participated in great operation . Thanks for the report.
    Posted 21-01-2016 02:54

  • says :
    Good job
    Posted 21-01-2016 00:20

  • Arushi Madan says :
    From your report , it seems efforts/projects have been initiated at various times to promote afforestation but due to political reasons or fund scarcity or executional issues , these projects have been failing. It's really sad. If it is funds , government or even big corporates should come forward to invest in these projects as it will pay in the long run by helping a lot in protecting environment and mitigating climate change. Thanks for sharing. Let' still hope for their revival.
    Posted 20-01-2016 22:05

  • says :
    nice work

    Posted 20-01-2016 17:22

  • Aabha Pokharel says :
    Happy new year and welcome back to Tunza..
    Wow! Operation green ..
    Great initiative . Best of luck for it .
    Posted 20-01-2016 16:39

  • says :
    Happy New Year,
    Glad to see you back,
    Thank you for the report :)
    Posted 20-01-2016 15:39

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