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the Atlas cedar

by | 30-01-2016 20:58 recommendations 0

The Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica)  is a cedar native to the Atlas Mountains of Algeria and Morocco.
The Atlas Cedar forests are distributed in Algeria (Aurès, Belezma, Hodna, Djbel Babor, Djurdjura, Blida and Ouarsenis) and Morocco (Rif, Middle Atlas, and northeastern High Atlas) . The total area of occupancy in Algeria and Morocco is estimated to be between 1,300 and 1,500 km2 . The extent of occurrence is more than 20,000  km2 and there are seven locations.
Heavily exploited over several centuries for its strong durable timber. Essential oils are also distilled from the timber and foliage. It is widely cultivated in Europe.
Therapeutic Use:  Atlas Cedar Essential Oil is well known for its detoxing effect where it offers a gentle stimulating effect, and the breakdown, and elimination, of toxins including fatty build up, as in cellulite.  Atlas Cedar Essential Oil also offers a soothing effect on sore muscles, and joints, as well a decongesting benefit to upper, and lower, respiratory conditions, making it the perfect choice for the aches and pains of the Flu, Bronchitis, and Sinusitis, or any other congestion. 
Global status: Endangered A2cd.
Logging aside, Cedrus atlantica has succumbed mainly to overgrazing and fire. Since 1940 the range has been reduced by more than 75%. Sites are mainly located in national parks, which offer some sort of protection to the remaining Atlas cedars. From the 1980s onwards regular droughts and plagues (of processionary caterpillars, beetles and Barbary macaques) have occurred, with drought on the increase as a result of climate change.

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  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Very nice pics. All forest including Atlas Cedar must be preserved & flourished. This is our lifeline.
    Posted 31-01-2016 23:15

  • says :
    Good to learn about Atlas Cedar, I hope the forest will recover soon...It is unfortunate to hear that the drought is increasing, especially because my local community has been suffering for several years due to drought too. Thank you for sharing Abdessamad!
    Posted 31-01-2016 16:03

  • Prakriti Dhakal says :
    Good Article Abdessamad. Great to know about Atlas Cedar tree and forests. People are chopping trees and selling what is sellable in this world. Exactly this is wrong so this came upto endangered list. Hope its population will rise vigorously as people will utilise as well as conserve them.
    Posted 31-01-2016 10:10

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for introducing Atlas Cedar. Sad to know that people are over exploiting it for materialistic needs like timber and oil. Sad that it is listed 'endangered'. Hope authorities take actions soon enough before it is further late.
    Posted 30-01-2016 22:27

  • says :
    Dear Abdessamad, Thank you for introducing Atlas Cedar with its distribution, uses and importance. It is saddening to see the the forests being overexploited since years. I am hopeful youths will take the lead to push government for taking actions to prevent fires and overgrazing. May the sites in National Parks be monitored with strict supervision.
    Posted 30-01-2016 21:57

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