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My Green resolution for this New Year 2016

by | 30-01-2016 22:27 recommendations 0

New Year always brings excitement & energy. As responsible Ambassadors for our respective regions we must encourage & motivate about spreading Sustainability.

This is going to be my New Year Resolution 



There are many ways in which the same may be achieved. As I am pursuing my Engineering degree course & am in a hostel, I am coming across many different students & different people. You can interact with them exchange ideas & spread this message across. All are educated & responsible. They just need a little push. For example If you do not litter & encourage others to use a dustbin the littering will stop. I have successfully made sure to convince authorities in my hostel to keep bigger dust-bins & regularly disposing them as well. Littering has reduced to a great extent since then.


Further we may segregate waste & try to recycle as much as we can. Usage of plastic must be stopped completely as plastic is almost non-sustainable. It takes many decades to disintegrate. I read in today?s newspaper that mankind has used & disposed so mush plastic that we may cling its film to the entire earth. This is serious & must be controlled.


COP21 was very successful & the year 2016 is to witness its success & introduction of many new measures. I believe that very tough measures must be taken by all governments to enforce sustainability measures & I vow to abide by all these rules & spread sustainability in the neighbourhood.


Thanks for reading & all the best for your Green resolutions.  


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  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Keep it up Bro. All the best!
    Posted 31-01-2016 23:13

  • Prakriti Dhakal says :
    Yes, Raunak usage of plastic must be reduced as far as possible. Hope your Green Solutions goes Green and then yellow t the end )
    Posted 31-01-2016 10:04

  • says :
    I hope everyone will achieve their green resolutions successfully this year:) Thank you for sharing!
    Posted 31-01-2016 10:01

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Good to know that you raised the issue and ensured that proper (size) disposal bins are placed and are regularly disposed. Keep it up. Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 30-01-2016 22:30

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