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Green Resolutions for 2016

by Rohan Kapur | 30-01-2016 22:37 recommendations 0

Each year we all make new resolutions. Some ultimately make it while some of us do break it as well. In this scenario its always advisable to make only reasonable & achievable ones only. Its not that I do not love challenge in life but I dislike to blow my trumpet in public. When sun shines & rises it requires no proof to show to the world. We must all decide in mind, go all out to achieve it & when the target is achieved, you may put it in print. This serves as a challenge & motivation to you. Always set high standards but keep a low profile.


Ok guys! Enough blabber. My resolutions are:



In the past years I was, with the grace of God Almighty, able to recycle thousands of plastic bottles, Tons of paper, Recycle & exchange Books among students. I organized many recycle-thons & they were highly successful. My mates brought bags full of recyclables & it was all handed over to local recycling centers. The winners were duly honored in the year 2016 as well, I wish & pray to carry on the same with usual zest & zeal & spread my wings further in the horizon.



In our country UAE, where we live, the water is desalinated & power is also expensive to generate, they use natural gas, still resources are scarce & must be preserved. I have already installed LED lights by replacing CFL. The AC temp is set @ comfortable 24. But now onwards I will spread this idea & encourage others to do this. Dear Ambassadors you may also educate this idea in your regions & organize local competitions over 5-6 months period to monitor & award. This will motivate others a lot & will improve the energy situation on the nation. We have indelible responsibility towards our nation.


This is short & sweet & is achievable & it very practical.

I am reading all your resolutions & I found them all very nice & well-written. All the very best to all of you to achieve & exceed your Green resolutions of this year 2016.


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  • Dormant user Rohan Kapur
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  • Rohan Kapur says :
    @Arushi, Thanks for your wishes.
    Posted 31-01-2016 23:13

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    @Sujan, Thanks. Nepal is not far behind. So many young ambassadors from Nepal are motivating all of us.
    Posted 31-01-2016 23:12

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Thanks Yuna
    Posted 31-01-2016 23:11

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    @Yuna, Every one can recycle. I'm sure you can find a way to store them till it is delivered to / taken by the recycling centres.
    Posted 31-01-2016 23:10

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    @Prakriti, Thanks for reading my other reports as well. I hope the resolutions turns true.
    Posted 31-01-2016 23:09

  • Arushi Madan says :
    I am sure Rohan you will continue to work to protect environment. Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 31-01-2016 19:04

  • Sujan Adhikari says :
    I would be much glad if our country had such recycling projects or companies. It was really good work to save environment. Hope your resolutions come true this year. Wish for the best.
    Posted 31-01-2016 19:03

  • says :
    Keep up your good work, Rohan! I recycle too, but sometimes its hard to keep it up all the time. But I'm sure you're more than capable of doing so :) Good luck on your green resolutions!
    Posted 31-01-2016 15:57

  • Prakriti Dhakal says :
    Really You did great work by collecting unused clothes for flood affected people. Hope your resolutions will make it by this year )
    Posted 31-01-2016 10:02

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