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My Kitchen Garden

by | 01-02-2016 13:08 recommendations 0

For the past two years, I?ve been doing occasional planting in my garden. My garden is not big but it enough for me to plant a few crops. I started gardening since i was very young but I have only started my kitchen gardening two years ago. I call it kitchen gardening because I obtain these seeds from the daily food in the kitchen.

I plant everything I can plant in my garden. Onions, chilli, Chinese green cabbage, corn and others. Onions are really easy to grow. Cut a small part of the onion and plant it in the soil just below the surface so that you can see a slight bit of the onion poking out of the soil. In a week, you?ll see that it?s sprouting and within 27 days, it is ready to harvest,

Chinese green cabbage seeds can be obtained from seed sellers in your local community, but you can also obtain these seeds from the 3 months old Chinese green cabbage. It will start to grow flowers after 3 months and these flowers contains the seeds. Spread the seeds on soil in a container. After 3 weeks, it will start to grow leaves and it is time to move the younglings, without destroying the roots, into the garden. It would be ready for harvest in 27 days.

Chilli?s are easy to grow. Dry out the seeds that you would get from slicing open a chilli. Poke a hole in the soil and sprinkle a few of the seeds into that hole. Cover the hole with more soil and after 6 months, it will grow into a bush. In 1 year, it will start producing chilli and it would be ready for harvest. 

Corn seeds have to be bought. Like the Chinese green cabbage, you can obtain these seeds by buying them in your local seed store. It takes about 3 months for the corn to grow and ready for harvest. Poke a hole and plant the seed in it. Each holes have to be at least 7 cm apart because the corn needs a big space for it to grow. 

Recently, I?ve just harvested my corn. Here?s a picture of it.

corn harvested from my gardencorn harvested from my garden

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  • Dormant user
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  • says :
    very very interesting! Nice!
    Posted 04-02-2016 21:24

  • says :
    Dear Patricia, I am so proud to see that you have been practicing kitchen gardening since young age. We also have a kitchen garden in our house and we harvest fresh vegetables mainly onion, chillies and green leafy vegetables. There is a two way benefit in having a kitchen garden, first one is we can compost degradable kitchen waste and the next is our access to organic fresh food.
    So glad to go via your report dear :)
    Posted 02-02-2016 00:03

  • Arushi Madan says :
    WOW! You are doing so good with your kitchen garden. I am impressed with this recent harvest of corn. Having own kitchen garden or organic farming or rooftop farming are all very sustainable means. Thanks for sharing an informative post. Keep it up.
    Posted 01-02-2016 20:53

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