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New year resolutions

by | 01-02-2016 15:11 recommendations 0

Happy new year world! I have decided to make 2016 my most greener year with  some plans!
1) Plastic and paper recycling workshops with children and youths in my region. We can make some art with trashes. As the newspapers we can use them to make a very beautiful gift boxes.
2) My mother loves so much planting flowers and plants so I have decided to bring her more plants and flowers from each town and a country I visit.
3) Green life is a lifestyle that we can practice everyday. The change begins from us, we can't fight against climate change when we are the ones who produce CO2 NOx and we buy dangerous things as fireworks for our weddings and other cerebrating days.
4) Let's stop buying bottles made of plastic and buy ones made of glass so we can use them many times without affecting our healths neither the environment.
5) Factories won't stop producing dangerous gases only if we stop buying their production. 
The mother earth is in need of our efforts to save it, So let's save our mother 

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  • says :
    Your resolutions are simple and inspiring.all the best sara.
    Posted 11-02-2016 12:40

  • says :
    Very good resolutions, green too. Hope you will accomplish that.
    Posted 09-02-2016 23:05

  • says :
    All the best with your resolution!
    Posted 02-02-2016 02:28

  • says :
    Dear Sara, thank you so much for sharing your green resolutions for 2016. Of course we can transform trashes into arts and beautify our garden/rooftops with beautiful plants. I wish you all the best for accomplishing your commitments, may this year go more greener for you :)
    Posted 01-02-2016 23:46

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Sara-you are absolutely right-the change begins from us and if we want to see a greener world, we ourselves have to live green. All the best. I am sure your this year will be the greenest year ever. Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 01-02-2016 20:57

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