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The Water and the irrigation

by | 01-02-2016 15:26 recommendations 0

Globally, irrigated agriculture consumes over 70% of water resources, which is huge. In Europe, the water used for agriculture accounts for an annual average about 50% of consumed water (80% dry period). In Algeria, the water used for irrigation is less than 40% annually.

When we know that much of this water is lost to evaporation before having served ...

Modern irrigation techniques

Aujourd'hui, attempts a more rational management of the resource. So, modern irrigation techniques, more sophisticated but also more effective are implemented to help reduce our water consumption.

They can also be automated and controlled by means of measuring soil moisture state apparatus, the water status of the plants that allow to know precisely when it is most sensible to 'water.

In addition, automation very accurately manage the dose to be made, they thus allow water savings (positions are shorter, but the faster rotations).

Today, the most archaic to the most advanced, irrigation systems are diverse.

Among the most effective:

full coverage, the drop-gouttel'aspersion.

Three techniques to significantly reduce irrigation water consumption but require expensive infrastructure, which necessarily limits the use in poor countries.

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  • says :
    These things will surly reduce water crises and now I hope fortunately water will be supplied to everyone as they deserve.
    Posted 09-02-2016 23:15

  • says :
    Short and simple.Good job!
    Posted 02-02-2016 02:30

  • Arushi Madan says :
    You raised a very important point. It is indeed true that irrigation contributes to quite a substantial loss of water. Water efficient irrigation should be used for water conservation. Hope soon these would become affordable.
    Posted 01-02-2016 21:27

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