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Algerian network for the protection of marine biodiversity

by | 01-02-2016 15:32 recommendations 0

Algerian network for the protection of marine biodiversity Probiom has just born.

Six Algerian associations, activating in the field of protection and preservation of fauna and flora diving, came from several provinces, met last week as part of a national network. The main objective of these associations is "to share the skills and efforts of those involved in marine biodiversity between associations, governmental and nongovernmental institutions, universities, experts, researchers, experts and public and private organizations.
This pooling of skills will and educate on risks and aggressions suffered by the environment in Algeria. The union of skills will initially put around the same table policymakers and environmentalists to solve the environmental issues raised by these associations for years. The first records the network are awaiting the release of the status of marine protected areas and the extension and generalization of artificial reefs. In terms of events, the network Probiom will attend the sixth edition of the Salon of Diving Algiers in March.

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  • says :
    There is no doubt a very sustainable action is taken by the government.This will be useful.
    Posted 10-02-2016 20:07

  • says :
    Associations like this should be encouraged in every country to the pressing environmental challenges. nice one Sara
    Posted 02-02-2016 03:06

  • says :
    Thank you for the information. It surly is a good step taken by the Algerian government.
    Posted 02-02-2016 02:28

  • Arushi Madan says :
    This is a great step. This association and union of skills would be very benefecial in tackling loss of marine biodiversity.
    Posted 01-02-2016 21:29

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