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by | 30-09-2012 21:41 recommendations 0

Driving through Lake Nakuru National Park was exhilarating. There's nothing better than stalking...a a I mean, watching animals interact in their natural environment. Antelopes, buffalos, giraffes, zebras and flamingos to say the least graced the shores of the shrinking Lake Nakuru.

Yup! It's shrinking primarily due to the mass deforestation of Kenya's Water towers that feed the tributaries of the once great Lake Nakuru. However, there is another problem plaguing this dam pollution.

As we made our way through the park, I spotted a murky stream that was directed, by a man-made channel, straight into the dam. There was also a stench that grew stronger as we got closer. Indeed, it was a sewer that I suspected came from the settlements surrounding the National Park. The lake is one of the few places in the world that you could find flamingos. Therefore, pollution of Lake Nakuru poses a great threat to the survival of the flamingo population as well as other animals that live in or drink these waters.

Trust me, if I could spot it, then there no way the park rangers and officials could have missed it. In addition, this channel was not newly dug it's been there a while. So why, is it still there you ask?

Is it neglect, poor intervention, wrong priorities and poor law enforcement? Maybe?

Existing laws and policies should be enforced or new ones drafted to ensure that this kind of environmental degradation is stopped. It's only my hope that more can be done in protecting such delicate sanctuaries. 


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  • says :
    sewage goes to dam? Oh no.. it can also directly threat humans' health and sanitation too!!
    It's really sad that these things are happening in Kenya which is famous for its beautiful nature...
    Posted 04-10-2012 19:52

  • says :
    Its sad to see whats going on in our country, something MUST be done!

    Posted 04-10-2012 13:21

  • says :
    I know right? Its awesome...and its degrading sigh!
    Posted 01-10-2012 03:54

  • Simran Vedvyas says :
    I agree Rachel, I have been here about 2 years back and it's a Beautiful National Reserve. Degradation MUST BE CHECKED.
    The Pink Flamingos' are Awe-breadth-taking!
    The Zebra's are cool too.
    Posted 01-10-2012 00:27

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