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Nepal at COP 18

by | 30-09-2012 16:00 recommendations 0

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is one of the largest international meetings on climate change in which parties agree in general to recognize the "common but differentiated responsibilities". 

The UNFCCC Conference of Parties 17 was held in South Africa last year with much success in stepping one step forward towards establishing a new treaty to limit carbon emissions. 

Undoubtedly, one of the most important success that could be reached at such a large environmental meeting would be for countries to pursue a legally binding deal-comprising the cooperation of all countries. During the meeting in Durban, countries decided to prepare pursuing the legally binding by 2015 and take effect in 2020. There was also agreements about the creating of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and to mobilize US $100 per year to aid developing countries. Many scientists, professionals, and environmental leaders and groups have declared the conference to be a true success. 

Nepal is a member nation of UNFCCC and as a regional ambassador to Nepal, I will be reporting further on Nepal's environmental situations and its stance at the meeting. 

Doha Conference of Parties link:

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  • says :
    Hello~ thank you for sharing valuable information!
    Actually many environmentalists are worried because,
    the level of cutting CO2 emission is expected to be much lower due to the economy recession...
    Posted 04-10-2012 19:56

  • says :
    Hi Un Hyung Lee! Thank you for sharing this information.
    Posted 01-10-2012 23:11

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