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Asian Waterbird Census 2013

by | 22-01-2013 13:13 recommendations 0

Every January, thousands of volunteers across Asia and Australia visit wetlands in their country and count waterbirds. This event is called the Asian Waterbird Census(AWC), which is part of global waterbird monitoring programme, the international Waterbird Census (IWC), coordinated by Wetlands International. This Activity takes place during the second and third week of January every year.


In Indonesia, AWC will be coordinated by Wetlands International-Indonesia Programme and Ministry of Forestry, Indonesia. Jakarta become one of the place to take AWC. There are Muara Angke wildlife sanctuary, Angke-Kapuk Protected Forest and Arboretum. The activity will start on Saturday, 26th January 2013, 6.00 a.m in Muara Angke Wildlife Sanctuary.


Finally, from this AWC, it can contributes to identification and monitoring of wetlands of international and national importance. It also helped increase local awareness and participation in the concervation of waterbirds and their wetland habitats.


If you would like to join the thousands of volunteers contributing to the AWC, you can contact the national Coordinator of your country. You can find the information in the website : www.wetlands.org


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  • says :
    Thank you for sharing.
    Posted 30-08-2013 15:27

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Great initiative, isn't it?
    Posted 06-02-2013 02:21

  • says :
    We are waiting for the result.
    Posted 03-02-2013 17:41

  • says :
    we need to conserve all habitats
    Posted 30-01-2013 18:54

  • says :
    Thanks for the report
    Posted 29-01-2013 20:19

  • says :
    Maybe the Indonesian Greenaction Forum can be a right solution? :-)
    Posted 29-01-2013 10:40

  • says :
    Ehm..great essay. We know that Angke kapuk society carry out the program of mangrove forest rehabilitation for conserving the undangered bird. However, the degradated forests in Indonesia are fast, so what will we do?
    Posted 26-01-2013 22:41

  • says :
    It's great to have these events! I heard that South Korea is working on protecting wetlands and organisms living there!
    Posted 25-01-2013 17:54

  • says :
    it's very surprising that we have such kind of bodies. Is Wetlands International-Indonesia Programme owned by the govt?

    Posted 24-01-2013 18:53

  • says :
    Interesting! This is my first time to hear about the event! Thanks for the report! ^^
    Posted 23-01-2013 22:09

  • says :
    We need to conserve wetland habitats
    Posted 23-01-2013 14:45

  • says :
    This initiative is very good. I hope it does get implemented here in UAE as soon as possible.....
    Posted 22-01-2013 22:26

  • says :
    Aman: maybe you can contact the national Coordinator of your country. You can find the list of the national coordinator in the web : www.wetlands.org

    Good Luck!
    Posted 22-01-2013 20:15

  • says :
    Nice, is it also happening in India? i want to participate
    Posted 22-01-2013 17:40

  • says :
    Oh, It's my first time to hear of the AWC. Thank you for sharing~~~
    Posted 22-01-2013 13:31

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