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US Navy's illegal entry of the Tubbataha Reef.

by Bam Azores | 22-01-2013 19:58 recommendations 0

This week, the US navy got fined for entering the world heritage site named Tubbataha Reef located in the Sulu sea in the Philippines. The reef has also been nominated as one of the seven wonders of the world. It is a known diving site around the world for its beauty, abundance and diverse marine life. Currently, a ship of the US Navy named the  USS Guardian is stranded in the reef and has said  to have already damaged close to ten meters of the reef. The damage may take twenty to a hundred years to be fixed and restored to its natural beauty.

The US Navy will be fined up to $7,300 for unauthorized entry which is a small price to pay for the damage the have brought on the reef.


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  • Dormant user Bam Azores
  • recommend


  • says :
    Thank you for sharing.
    Posted 30-08-2013 15:27

  • says :
    Thanks for the Info
    Posted 26-02-2013 02:15

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Very informative...........
    Posted 06-02-2013 02:21

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing it.
    Posted 03-02-2013 17:40

  • says :
    thanks for sharing it
    Posted 30-01-2013 18:55

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing bam
    Posted 29-01-2013 20:17

  • says :
    you are right, Achmad.
    Posted 29-01-2013 10:40

  • says :
    Hi greeners, my view here is the governement must make and strightly implement the regulation for alleviating the illegal entry of strangers (U.S Navy). as the sentence is a fine so that it is not same with the value of natural and artistic seven wonder destruction.
    Posted 26-01-2013 22:31

  • says :
    Save Coral Reefs.
    Posted 24-01-2013 16:18

  • says :
    Thanks for the information! Coral reefs should be protected...I hope mnay countries will follow the law related to the protection of marine life..
    Posted 24-01-2013 16:05

  • Simran Vedvyas says :
    Marine Conservation is equally our responsibility- Your report Says it all
    Posted 24-01-2013 16:04

  • says :
    I'm really sorry to hear the news. And I'm agreeing with Christy that the price for the damage is too absurd. -.-
    Posted 23-01-2013 22:10

  • says :
    thanks for information........
    Posted 23-01-2013 11:00

  • says :
    What? the amount of the fine is ridiculous. How such a calculation can be made!
    Posted 23-01-2013 10:02

  • says :
    Thanks for this information, Roberto!
    Posted 23-01-2013 02:42

  • says :
    This problem should be handled very delicately because it may turn into a political matter. Environmentally, I am very saddened......
    Posted 22-01-2013 22:24

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