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Green Challenges ( of Euro 5,00,000 ) for encouraging globaly on Innovative Green solutions

by | 12-05-2013 22:31 recommendations 0

Reward  Euro  500,000 FOR THE BEST CO2 REDUCING BUSINESS PLAN -  Yes,  this is the scope in Green Challenges.


On 28 and 29 September 2007, the first Green Challenge was started by  Postcode Lottery  .  The thought was initiated by President Clinton during his visit in  December 7th 2006 to  Postcode Lottery World Meeting at the Royal Palace Soestdijk. The President Clinton stated: "The fundamental problem is an entrepreneurial, disorganised, undercapitalised opportunity competing against a highly organised, overcapitalised, old-energy economy that still has many, many people in its grip."  That's it was decided to organise an annual competition for people with CO2 reducing ideas that find it hard to find the means and trust to execute their idea.

Website   =   http://www.greenchallenge.info/

The Postcode Lottery

The Dutch Postcode Lottery works for a greener, fairer world by supporting charities in the Netherlands and abroad. They operate from the belief that together we all earthman  can make a big difference.

The Dutch Postcode Lottery is the Netherlands' biggest, most popular charity lottery and supports 84 charity organisations, including UNICEF, WWF and Amnesty International. The lottery has contributed more than ?5 billion to its beneficiaries so far.


Winners of Green Challenges

?SPAN style="mso-tab-count: 1">      Molly Morse (2012): Mango Materials

?SPAN style="mso-tab-count: 1">      Nick Christy (2011): Water Recycling Shower

?SPAN style="mso-tab-count: 1">      Scot Frank (2010): SolSource

?SPAN style="mso-tab-count: 1">      Dean Gregory (2009): RidgeBlade

?SPAN style="mso-tab-count: 1">      Eben Bayer (2008): Ecovative

?SPAN style="mso-tab-count: 1">      Igor Kluin (2007): Qurrent

Best Innovative idea of 2012 :-  Mango Materials :-

Mango Materials uses bacteria to turn methane into biopolymer granules in a cradletocradle loop, using a patented process. The biodegradable, affordable plastic can be made into products, such as toys, packaging, and agricultural and construction materials. After use, these can be sent to landfill or a digester and the resulting methane returned to the microbial process. Low costs allow competition with petroleum-based plastics. Mango Materials has access to free methane feedstock and a world-class polymer facility and a prototype bioreactor location. It has successfully completed a 60-day field trial.    



?SPAN style="mso-tab-count: 1">      Best Innovative idea of 2011 :-  Water Recycling Shower :-

This patented shower system reduces water and energy use and cost by 70 per cent without impairing enjoyment. Showering represents households' biggest use of water and second largest use of energy, but existing green solutions suffer from reduced water flow, length and temperature. This product combines an electrical element that heats the water, recirculation of warm water, and a heat exchanger that runs cooler water past hotter water.


Best Innovative idea of 2010 :-    SOLSOURCE

A portable, affordable solar device that can be used to cook, heat and generate power..



Best Innovative idea of 2009 :-  RidgeBlade MicroGeneration system

The company will produce and market the RidgeBlade MicroGeneration system. This low-cost rooftop turbine captures wind power in low-wind conditions. Its visual unobtrusiveness makes it suitable for city housing as well as environmentally sensitive locations like national parks. Its designer is an ex-Rolls Royce turbine  engineer. Their figures indicate it would pay for itself in a few years.


Best Innovative idea of 2009 :-  Greensulate

The winning invention of 2008, Greensulate? is  a natural Styrofoam substitute, "was the ultimate combination of creativity, sustainability and entrepreneurship," Femke says. The substance is made in a clever way – through growing mushroom root fibres around grain hulls – its environmental impact is minimal, and the winners' business plan was sound. And the jury liked Veranda Solar's decorative, mass-market-ready energy panels so much it decided to establish a runner-up prize.








Think you're too young to enter this contest? You lack a track record as an inventor? Or your idea's too wacky to fly? Then you're the perfect potential winner, according to Femke Rotteveel, chairman of the preliminary jury. The whole point of the Postcode Lottery Green Challenge is to give every emission reducing idea a chance.

"Climate change is a challenge," says Femke, who works for the Lottery evaluating charities' funding applications. "There are a lot of solutions in the heads of private individuals. If we can extract these good ideas, we might have the key to the fight against global warming." In the hope of hearing yours, she?s eager to explain what the jury's looking for, and to reveal what clinched the prize for past winners.

Three essential ingredients

The contest is a search for new products and services that shine in three ways: sustainability, creativity, and business viability. If you've thought of an invention that would reduce greenhouse gas emissions, help make the consumer?s lifestyle more eco-friendly, and score highly on convenience, quality and design, we want to know about it.

The winning invention of 2008, Greensulate?, a natural Styrofoam substitute, "was the ultimate combination of creativity, sustainability and entrepreneurship," Femke says. The substance is made in a clever way – through growing mushroom root fibres around grain hulls – its environmental impact is minimal, and the winners' business plan was sound. And the jury liked Veranda Solar's decorative, mass-market-ready energy panels so much it decided to establish a runner-up prize.

"What's still a problem with sustainable products is that they're often not very good-looking," Femke says. "That's why the creative part is so important. A product has to be attractive to reach the public." The jury's hoping plenty of creative-industry types will enter this year.

She also loves the LED lightbulb as the new energy saver and the standby killer, which takes the effort out of cutting power use.

For more information see Website   =   http://www.greenchallenge.info/

Last   date  of submission :-  17th. July  2013, Let us try.

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  • says :
    Thank you for sharing.
    Posted 27-08-2013 13:25

  • says :
    Hi Rajashre, you are good to friend with, thanks for your information
    Posted 26-05-2013 17:11

  • says :
    Thanks for the information!
    Posted 15-05-2013 04:54

  • says :
    @Rajashree yes, and much better is that many of idea comparatively doesn't cost too much money than its advantages.
    Posted 14-05-2013 14:54

  • says :
    Thank you brother Dhiroj for your comment. Hope you will try to send innovative ideas for Green challenge 2013.
    Posted 13-05-2013 18:23

  • says :
    Thanks for the information Rajashree Sister.
    Posted 13-05-2013 17:33

  • says :
    Thank you Eco Gen Team, Christy, Arushi for your comments. Without Innovation it is really difficult to change the situation. Need more and more innovative Green ideas to reduce generation of GHG. Here is a scope for getting financial support on our ideas to implement them.
    Posted 13-05-2013 15:21

  • Arushi Madan says :
    thanks for sharing this rajashree , I really liked reading it .
    Posted 13-05-2013 12:57

  • says :
    Thank you for sharing! This is such an eye opening opportunity for young men with green ideas.
    Posted 13-05-2013 11:48

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    WOW thanks for the information. It's really interesting
    Posted 13-05-2013 08:50

  • says :
    Thanks to Pratap Maharjan and Smriti Limbu . The green innovative ideas are posted for the benefit of all of us.
    Posted 13-05-2013 00:17

  • says :
    thank you for the info Rajashree..
    Posted 12-05-2013 23:50

  • says :
    thank for the information Rajashree
    Posted 12-05-2013 23:06

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