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Wild cats in a new age.

by | 13-05-2013 12:30 recommendations 0

The wild cats inhabit a modified and human dominated landscape. Its habitats has been reduced and fragmented and the pressure from agriculture and cattle ranching continues.This modifications have led to a significant reduction in carnivours population density in many areas that subsist still under constant preassure (Quigley & Crawshaw, 1992 & Sweanor, 2001 Ceballos & Oliva, 2005).

Moreover, there are few areas where the cats can coexist due to their habits and requirements, as in the case of the Sierra Gorda of Hidalgo, where we can find the six species of wild cats that live in Mexico, the ocelot (Leopardus pardalis), margay (Leopardus weidii), the jaguarondi (Herpailurus yagoaurundi), the bobcat (Lynx rufus), the cougar (Puma concolor) and the jaguar (Panthera onca).

The Sierra gorda rio Moctezuma in Hidalgo is a very important place for  a wild cats, in special small because represent a biological corridor in Mexico but it has been fragmented due to anthropogenic activity and that?s where the main issue for its long term conservation is, the west corridor (in the Goulf of Mexico) has lost vegetal continuity getting seriously fragmented, which isolates populations, loosing the species genetic variability increasing it?s risk of disappearing.

Due to the small cats habits, his preys and the other mexican wild felines, the method of this study must be complementary, it?s necessary to make a combination of methods to be able to make numerous registrations of this species (Perovic y Herran, 1998).

The Jaguar in the center zone of the country, particularly in Hidalgo State is seriously threatened, and it?s there where a very important population of these cats remains, however there?s constant hunting in that area, because the jaguar attacks the cattle therefor they are persecuted causing an even greater transformation of their environment.

A major problem is that there are no well founded studies on populations of jaguars in this area and other species of vital importance, that?s why permissions are being granted to build mega hydraulic works in this area, thus alter the habitat and decreasing the jaguars and other wild cat species such as pumas (Puma concolor) or leopards (Leopardus pardalis) likelihood of survival. This study will help to prevent the construction of this work and rethink the development of the community for sustainability.

Next to this zone there?s a biosphere reserve, still certain jaguars venture to explore and expand their territory, some move towards the fragmented territory to the south, where they unfortunately get killed due to the ignorance of the people or they reach population centers where they have no other place to go. The effects of the disturbance of the habitat on distribution and abundance of these cats is not clear (Perovic & Hernan, 1998). It?s vital for the conservation to document the situation of the jaguar populations and how these cats use the available habitat, knowing what allows them to remain or not in different places under disturbance.

The areas under disturbance increase, these habitats represent an important future for the species conservation and survival (Orjuela & Jimenez, 2004). And it?s often all they?ve left avaible for them, so it?s necessary to beging to understand how these cats use them and how they can stay in them.

As more efforts are made to explore and survey the limits of the jaguar?s distribution, the more obvious the habitats modification tolerancy levels of the species will be (Lyanm, 2002).

From the standpoint of BioFutura A. C this is the highest priority area for research and conservation of the jaguar in Mexico, because the inaction will cause the loss of this jaguar population and therefore the intrinsic value of the species, that?s why it?s urgent to act now. It?s necessary to know the relative abundance of the jaguar?s population, and how they occupy their habitat to propose priority areas for its long term conservation which would allow restoring the jaguar?s biological corridor.

Despite the great need for scientific studies in the mentioned areas above, the National Commission of Natural Protected Areas (CONANP) doesn't have a mechanism to conserve this important zone causing a great damage in the wilderness lands, an example of the negligent work of National Commission of Natural Protected Areas CONANP is the cougar killed in passed days in the Mision town, so it? important to require those institutions to realize studies in the area, otherwise the Mexico center biodiversity will have serious problems and irreversible effects.

likewise, the National Commission of Natural Protected Areas (CONANP) doesn't have an intellectual capacity to face the challenges of wilderness lands in Mexico, the CONANP need to create a rapprochement with the green social actors and NGOs for preserving biodiversity and environment.


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  • says :
    Thank you for sharing.
    Posted 27-08-2013 13:24

  • says :
    Angel : great report which provides a lot of information also...thx for the same
    Posted 14-05-2013 23:52

  • says :
    Wild cats are one of the representative spices endangered by extinction.
    I'm really worried that they will built a hydraulic power plant without alternative for their survival...

    Thanks for well-made article!
    Posted 14-05-2013 14:52

  • says :
    Thanks for the information!
    Posted 14-05-2013 12:59

  • says :
    Thanks for the information.
    Posted 13-05-2013 17:35

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Angel-thanks for sharing well researched report.

    Posted 13-05-2013 12:54

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