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Cyclone Safety

by | 15-05-2013 15:06 recommendations 0

Prepare an Emergency Kit

Special food and medication may be required for infant, elderly or disabled family members. Every family should have a fully stocked Emergency Kit stored safely in their home. This should include a portable radio, a torch, spare batteries, first aid kit, non-perishable food, sturdy gloves, waterproof bags, candles, matches, essential medications and copies of important documents (eg insurance details, birth certificates, pre!==!--script--==ion refills) in sealable plastic bags.

What to do when a Cyclone Watch or a Cyclone Warning is issued

A Cyclone Watch is issued by the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) when gales or stronger winds associated with a cyclone are expected to hit within 48 hours but not within 24 hours.

A Cyclone Warning is issued by BoM when gales or stronger winds are expected to hit within 24 hours.

If you hear either a watch or a warning you should:

  • Stay tuned into warnings.
  • Check that your Emergency Kit is complete and easily accessible.
  • Check that your neighbours are aware that a cyclone watch or warning has been issued.
  • Clear your property of all loose items. This means bringing outdoor furniture, children?s toys and gardening equipment inside or under cover.
  • Secure any boats and move all vehicles and bicycles under cover.
  • Fill buckets and bath with water in case water supply becomes restricted and ensure you have sufficient water purification tablets to make the water drinkable.
  • Prepare an evacuation kit that includes warm clothes, essential medications, baby formula, nappies, valuables, important papers/photos/mementos in waterproof plastic bags, pillows, sleeping bags and blankets.
  • Withdraw a sufficient amount of cash to cover essential items such as food, water or petrol and add this to your Evacuation Kit. (In the event of a power failure, both banks and Automatic Teller Machines may be inaccessible).
  • If your windows are fitted with shutters, ensure these are closed securely. If not, tape your windows in a criss-crossing fashion using strong packing tape. This may not prevent your windows from shattering but it will hold the broken glass in place.
  • Bring children and pets indoors and remain inside until further advice is given.

How to prepare your home

  • Contact your local council to check that your home has been built to cyclone standards.
  • Ensure your home and contents insurance covers you for storm surge, flooding and cyclone damage including clean-up and debris removal.
  • Check the condition of your roof and repair any loose tiles, eaves or roof screws.
  • Ensure windows are fitted with shutters or metal screens.
  • Trim any branches overhanging your house and clear gutters of leaves and debris.

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  • Dormant user
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  • says :
    Thank you for sharing.
    Posted 27-08-2013 13:22

  • says :
    Very good report for keepsake.
    Posted 10-06-2013 21:28

  • says :
    Very needed information for Bangladesh and its neighboring countries for these days.
    Posted 16-05-2013 13:23

  • says :
    Thanks for these useful information.
    Posted 16-05-2013 12:29

Eco Generation

  • says :
    thank you for disaster preparedness tips...
    Posted 15-05-2013 20:43

  • says :
    You can spread this information.
    Posted 15-05-2013 17:23

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for sharing , we all must know these tips

    Posted 15-05-2013 16:06

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