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Consumer Health at risk

by | 23-05-2013 22:57 recommendations 0


Yogendra Bhujel, Food Technologist at the Department of Food Technology and Quality Control explained that food safety is interlinked with the human health further food hygiene is all about maintaining safety and hygiene in the food chain. Speaking at the WASH Forum monthly series organised by Paschim Paaila jointly with Environment and Public Health Organisation (ENPHO) to mark the World Health day with the topic ?WASH in Relation to Food Hygiene and Public Health? on 26th April, Bhujel highlighted that access to safe water is a critical issue so it is obvious that consumers are vulnerable in respect to food hygiene and also pointed out that hygiene and safety monitoring system in Nepal is not very efficient. ?We are still guided by Food Act 2023 BS which is out dated. Therefore the consumers? health is at risk?, he added.


Linking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), food and public health, he described that water borne diseases, food borne diseases and low productivity are the main threats for public health. Bhujel opined that 4 per cent of the human diseases could be prevented by improved sanitation and hygiene.


There should not be any excuses in maintaining the food hygiene. About the query on when to maintain the food hygiene he simply answered ?ALWAYS?. He explained five keys steps to maintain food hygiene

i)         Maintain cleanliness at personal level, keep cooking utensils clean and maintain safe sanitary environment in food preparation

ii)                   Cook thoroughly

iii)                  Separate cooked food and uncooked food

iv)                 Storage at safe temperature and

v)                   Use of safe raw materials and safe water.


Participants interacted more during the questions answer session with Bhujel where he shared his experiences about the organic food hype and the misconceptions on the junk food products. He also touched upon the legal definition of the drinking water and how the water industries have been fooling the general public about its standard.


Altogether 36 participants from different institutions Nobel college, Golden Gate Int?l College, School of Environmental Science and Management (SchEMS), Asian College of Advance Studies (ACAS), Khwopa College, Padma Kanya Campus, Tri-Chandra Campus, National Health Sciences, National Open College and Lalitpur Valley College (LVC) attended the program with great interest and enthusiasm.


Merina Shakya, the network coordinator of Paschim Paaila thanked Dhungel for his innovative sharing on interrelationship between WASH and Food hygiene handing over the token of love. The forum ended with a group photo session.



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  • says :
    good work
    Posted 26-06-2013 01:31

Dharmendra Kapri

  • says :
    Food Safety is need of the day, Pratap
    Posted 07-06-2013 21:53

  • says :
    Thks for the information
    Posted 29-05-2013 03:32

  • says :
    Thanks for the information!
    Posted 26-05-2013 20:10

  • says :
    I support the ideas and comments of both Arushi and Christy.
    Posted 25-05-2013 17:33

  • says :
    Very true Christy, thank you for appreciating..
    Posted 24-05-2013 15:00

  • says :
    Thank you Arushi, ya food hygiene andWASH are critical issues in Nepal,got some insights on the issue..
    Posted 24-05-2013 14:57

  • says :
    It's obvious that consumer have right to enjoy safe food.
    You did a great work, Pratap :D
    Posted 24-05-2013 14:38

  • says :
    Thank you Arushi, ya food hygiene andWASH are critical issues in Nepal,got some insights on the issue..
    Posted 24-05-2013 14:20

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Good work on something different and need of the hour.
    Posted 24-05-2013 04:19

  • says :
    thank you for the report. you must have collected lots of ideas
    Posted 23-05-2013 23:34

  • says :
    I was a part of this program as reporter, finally got authority to publish it. however this is the edited version of raw report that I had submitted to my teacher.
    Posted 23-05-2013 22:59

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