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Wastage of Drinking Water

by Dharmendra Kapri | 13-06-2013 06:17 recommendations 0

Problems are of two sorts by the way they affect the environment Direct and Indirect: The project we took up ?Wastage of Drinking Water? stands well in this regard by both the ways. The knowledge of using water goes hand in hand with the wisdom of availing natural resources and ignoring them would definitely result in hazards for the posterity. The efforts we took for research and solutions consumed more than a quarter of a year.

PROJECT !--object--IVES: 
Our research area confines physically itself to our school campus and more precisely to a water tank which stores drinking water for about 3000 students ranging from the I to XII standards. During the later periods of the afternoon, we found the tank emptied, contrary to the expectation of the care takers, due to unwise use of drinking water by the students. We wanted the water supply kept going till the end of the school hours. We wanted to create an awareness by developing a system comprising of various instructions and methods to be followed while getting water from the tank. We thought that system would protect the drinking water for considerably a longer duration for its use optimum and provide the students the ideas of availing the resources in better possible ways.

The obvious reason, the shortage of water was the need for our project and it didn?t require a long research to affirm its existence. Students returning from the tank without taking water during the afternoons, when the intake would be required more and their consequent suffering especially after the games periods themselves demanded a project like this. Even them, by ranking method, in order to make it a decision of the team rather than of any individual, we confirmed and selected this problem from a list of problems. Anyhow, the research was needed in the form of physical observation, to find out the causes behind this problem. We did this observation for about fifteen days to ascertain whether the number of causes would exceed in comparison with the causes we brainstormed under categories like students, teachers, system and parents and at last we got confined with the data. We found out various ways by which the water was improperly used and for purposes other than drinking. Simply they lacked a system to approach a drinking water tank. This had been the condition prevailed before we started our project. We were supported, first of all by our facilitator, co-ordinator, Headmaster, Asst. Headmaster, Maintenance Department and of course by the students and the management bove this project as a backbone to render us with all the administrative supports.

Our actions started with the physical observation for the data to findout the number of violators to identify the relevant solutions. We measured Breadth, Length and Width of the water tank to record the capacity and the expenditure and for also to verify the results after the implementation. We requested the HM through letters for instructing the students at assembly, to fit in new good taps replacing that which were leaking, to provide tumblers fixed with the tap to reduce quantity of water while drinking with hands. The members of an team monitored the queues, nearly formed during the breaks. Students were instructed to use water cans instead of hands to take water. The volunteers saw to that no violation was made to the new system. We explained the importance and right usage of drinking water with the help of teaching staff at assembly and through the class rooms. We created posters and slogans to be affixed when and where required. We standardized all the procedures to avoid the repetition of the same in the ensuing years.

We could see a remarkable difference between the situations before and after our projects. Different ways of wasting the water have been reduced. Now the taps are repaired for easy flow and are fixed with tumblers. Students wait for their turns, standing in the queues. The students use water cans for taking water instead of taking it with hands straight away from taps. Earlier, the water spent per day was 4500 litres and now it is 2750 litres So 1750 litres of drinking water is saved everyday. The students have learnt the ways of using a resource and to protect it. It has been running now for more than five months successfully. If the students are not returning from the tank without water, then it proves that it works. We measure the impact only through this way.



  • India Former E-gen Ambassador Dharmendra Kapri
  • recommend


  • says :
    good effort!
    Posted 26-08-2013 15:28

  • says :
    wel done bro... we should save water
    Posted 15-07-2013 16:03

  • says :
    thanks for the report
    Posted 26-06-2013 00:04

Dharmendra Kapri

Dharmendra Kapri

Dharmendra Kapri

Dharmendra Kapri

Dharmendra Kapri

Aaditya Singh

  • says :
    Great job brother. Keep it up

    Posted 16-06-2013 16:41

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Good job Dharmendra.
    Posted 16-06-2013 13:36

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    We are with you in this cause.
    Posted 15-06-2013 19:16

  • says :
    Dharmendra, This is Great.
    Posted 15-06-2013 16:12

Dharmendra Kapri

Dharmendra Kapri

  • says :
    great..would love to see the photos of your posters and activities..you really are doing great job brother..

    Posted 13-06-2013 22:32

  • says :
    good going dharmendra!
    Posted 13-06-2013 18:25

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