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Water drop - A Precious Pearl

by Dharmendra Kapri | 13-06-2013 06:20 recommendations 0


We had  tried to stop the wastage of valuable water flowing through the public taps of municipal corporation Raipur . Maximum student of our school come from slum area. On the way we came across many taps without cock and many were with leakages through which water was flowing away at the time of supply. we all would donate the pocket money of one day of every month and buy taps for the places without taps.It has taken two months. and we will procceed our project with the children of other school of different areas further  

PROJECT !--object--IVES: 

Water is like nectar to human beings. The under ground water level is continuously going down. The reason of all is ignorance. The water tankers start running in the streets by the month of Jan-Feb People stand in long queue to get just a bucket of water, fights for water has become routine. Municipality supplies water for four hrs. daily through the public taps. Some of them are either without tap (cock) or some are having leaking taps. To stop the wasteful flow of water from these taps is the main aim of our project. If the children become aware the house become aware and thus the society become aware. To make this a success instead of looking for some govt. help, we decided to collect the one day pocket money per month to buy taps and fit them at required places . So that precious water   can be saved. PROJECT !--object--IVE:- v      To stop the wastage of water flowing through the public taps. v      To aware the people and all students of our school for preservation of water.       


PROJECT RESEARCH:- We five members of this project went to the respective areas and located the maximum no. of public taps in our localities. We surveyed about 10 localities. In our survey we found there were total 144 taps in these area, out of which 78 were without taps and 31 were leaking taps People use taps for two hours in morning but at the evening hrs. the taps are used only in summer season and the rest of the time it flows away   restlessly approx. for 1 hr. Observation    Water flowing from 1 tap per minute No. of taps Total water flowing per minute Total water flowing in 1 hr. Water pipe without taps 9 liters 78 702 liters 702 ?0 = 42120 liters Leakage taps 2 liters 31 62 liters 62?0 = 3720 liters Total water flowing in area             = 42120 liters + 3720 liters             = 45,840 liters per day In 1 month             = 45,840 ?30 = 13,75,200 liters We collected the pocket money of   1 day of all the students of our school which was Rs 2950. We bought 23 taps and 15 washers and got them fitted in the required places. By this we had saved 12,420 liters and 1800 liters in total 14,220 liters of water per day and 4,26,600 liters in one month.  


         The above finding shocked us and now we are more concerned in trying to reduce the loss of water. Municipality supplies water for four hrs. daily (2 hrs. in morning and 2 hrs. in evening) We made several contacts to Govt. to share the shocking reports and we suggested them to reduce the timing of water supply in the evening hrs.          We made contact in many schools of Raipur city and made them acquainted with our project. They were told that they can save water of their areas by adding themselves with this project. During our visits we gave the fundamental trainings to the students and   people of the locality to repair the leakage taps.

 # Displayed the project at state level of National science congress and in eco-club exhibition. #We have saved 14,220 liter (approx) water in one day, 4,26,600 Liters in 1 Month #    We could make join four schools with this project who will work on this project in their respective areas and save water. #    These results helped us to make people aware of the facts of our locality and they are well caring for keep closing taps



  • India Former E-gen Ambassador Dharmendra Kapri
  • recommend


  • says :
    Thank you for sharing.
    Posted 26-08-2013 15:27

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing
    Posted 15-07-2013 16:01

  • says :
    good report
    Posted 26-06-2013 00:03

Dharmendra Kapri

Dharmendra Kapri

Dharmendra Kapri

Dharmendra Kapri

Dharmendra Kapri

Dharmendra Kapri

Aaditya Singh

  • says :
    Excellent job. Water is life!!
    Posted 16-06-2013 16:40

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Correct it is Precious no doubt
    Posted 15-06-2013 19:16

  • says :
    Dharmendra, this is very noble thought
    Posted 15-06-2013 16:08

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for sharing Dharmendra , Save water save life.
    Posted 15-06-2013 15:22

Dharmendra Kapri

  • says :
    Fabulous project Dharmendra, glad to this innovative Project.
    Posted 14-06-2013 18:55

Dharmendra Kapri

  • says :
    nice and useful research..good job..water is definitely a precious pearl. having resource is not a great deal the thing that matters is its management....good housekeeping can significantly save water everywhere..
    Posted 13-06-2013 22:29

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