As young environmentalist, we should attempt to give the outstanding contributions we harbor on conserving environment. Many challenges confronting our mindset to achieve the best giving to the environment. However, it is not an hard obstruction to be settled, ?there is existing chance and way?.
From the above, we got abundance experiences from an eco-project, which was called the Eco-education. It is like an ignorant understanding to the environment, which are able to be altered into smart minds from an environmental education. The smart mindset mentioned above is green mindset. This mindset could be applied in all sectors of our life (simple-difficult), but the easiest thing is through education.
Previous occurring mindsets to the environment are an ignorance for the destruction of environment. This case appear for a while as ego wins eco( EGO VS ECO). It happens because the environment is not a part of livings. We got some advice to not neglect the environment by implementing green mindset as follows:
1. Don?t deny an important part of our human beings? life which is the environment
2. Think the negative effects as we precede EGO than ECO
3. Try to educate yours about environment before educate the others
4. Think to the sustainability of environment to the next generation
Hopefully, it is able to assist our selves in achieving what we want towards environment without denying your needs.
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Thank you for sharing.
Posted 26-08-2013 14:53
I agree..!
Posted 19-06-2013 22:23
Well said...
Posted 17-06-2013 21:25
Very correct.
Posted 17-06-2013 15:28
I agree :)
Posted 17-06-2013 09:34
very starts from an individual, it starts from you and starts from I...
Posted 16-06-2013 12:14
Correct, agreed
Posted 15-06-2013 19:06
Achmad, Green mind set is a pre-requisite for Green Earth
Posted 15-06-2013 15:10
well said , Achmad.
Posted 15-06-2013 01:16
so true!
Posted 15-06-2013 00:48
Well stated
Posted 15-06-2013 00:27