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Valentine's Day Special, 2016

by | 16-02-2016 12:57 recommendations 0

Love is cosmopolitan can happen anywhere at any time and of course with anyone. From a miniature to humans rarely anyone has remained unswayed by love. For me, love is a basis for our existence. How can I remain an exception to own existence?


14th February is globally celebrated each year as Valentine's Day, the day of being loved and spreading love. I didn't celebrate this day with someone special because I found out so many specials to celebrate with. Yeah, I celebrated this day of marking love with special children at Susta- Manasthiti Kalyan Kenra (Welfare School for Mentally Retarded), Shreepur Chitwan Nepal. On 13th January I visited the school to access permission for celebration with the kids. I shared my plan publicly via facebook as well, aspiring youths from Saptagandaki Mulitple Campus (Aastha, Dipa, Rubina, Deepika, Bivek and Barsha) were keen to join hands for this special day.


So, on 14th February I woke up early at 3.30am as I had to prepare powerpoint presentation for my class on 8am the same day. It was 10am by the time my presentation class ended and I reached my destination i.e. Welfare School nearly at 11.30 am. The kids were very happy and greeted me with different gestures as they recognized me from my earlier visit. There were altogether 12 special children of different age present on that day, 9 of them were residing there in the hostel and other were from local area. I had taken balloons, chocolates, pencils, spiral note book and a cake for them. I gifted them with pens of Tunza Eco- generation as well. Inspiring youth campaigner Mr. Bishal Koirala seeing my facebook post, asked to join us and he was there with fruits, stationary materials and toys for children.


We offered them balloons, played ball with them, sang songs, danced with them, helped them write alphabets and finally shared cake. Before leaving we picked all the wrappers and waste generated, children joined us in collecting wastes as well. Among all differently able kids, Chuman Shresthan,  a nine years old kid was so friendly and loving. Though he had Down's syndrome (genetic disorder) he could dance, play maadal (musical instrument) and sing so gracefully, anyone would fall in love with him.


It was my Best Valentine Day ever. Smile and happiness I saw on the innocent faces of children was best gift I could ever have. The way they loved us back was bliss. They were so excited and amazed to take selfie and get captured in photographs. Yeah, words aren't enough for me to describe exactly how I felt.


Though it was my small initiative to spread love in this valentine day, I am much blessed to have brothers and sisters from Satagandaki Multiple Campus and Mr. Bishal Koirala who joined hands and enhanced the beauty of celebration. I am much thankful to Mrs. Saraswati Katila, the principal of school and other teachers who well supported our celebration.


Indeed, the day of love was well spent spreading love. Last but not the least, belated Happy Valentine's Day my green folks.




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  • says :
    Dear Muhammad, thank you for introducing 'Dream Building' program. Yeah indeed, seeing the smiles in faces of children is the best gift one can receive and when it is Valentine day, feels more special than ever.
    Thank you for your kind comment :)
    Posted 18-02-2016 16:08

  • says :
    Dear Rohan brother, I am so glad to know that you well spent day with children needing special care at charity in Ajman. Hats off to you and your team brother. I am excited to go via detailed report and pictures :)
    Posted 18-02-2016 16:06

  • says :
    Dear Joshua, Happy Valentine day as well from Nepal :)
    Posted 18-02-2016 15:55

  • says :
    WOAH! Best Valentine EVER! Sharing love with children is a bless on so many levels. I just remembered about 'Dream Building', one of my NGO program which is being a platform to tell children that's so many 'Careers' they could achieve, not only Doctor, Teacher, or Police. There's 'Ocean Scientist', 'Chef', even 'Environmentalist'. Seeing their smile was the best one thought :)
    Posted 17-02-2016 22:18

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    This is amazing stuff. Trust me Bindu Di, I did the same thing sitting thousands of miles away Nepal & UAE alike.
    We [The team of my initiative 'Serve The Heroes'] visited a charity in Ajman on 06-Feb & spent the day with these less fortunate children. I'll put the report at this weekend. As you mentioned the happiness on their faces was the best gift ever.
    Posted 17-02-2016 18:43

  • says :
    Happy Valentine, Bindu.
    Posted 17-02-2016 18:36

  • says :
    Dear yuna, thank you for your kind comment :)
    Yeah we had a wonderful time with these special kids :)
    Posted 17-02-2016 12:13

  • says :
    Dear Reshma, thank you so much for your warm support. Indeed it was the day of love :)
    Posted 17-02-2016 11:51

  • says :
    Happy belated valentines day celebration! I hope you had a wonderful time..it is so special of you to celebrate valentines day like that :D
    Posted 17-02-2016 09:54

  • says :
    It is so sweet of you Bindu :) that you celebrated valentine's day with those childrem and spread love to them. Keep it up :)
    Posted 17-02-2016 01:22

  • says :
    Dear Parbati, thank you so much for your warm support :)
    Posted 17-02-2016 00:40

  • says :
    Dear Abdessamad, seeing children enjoying gives us heavenly pleasure. We were lucky to have experienced it :)
    Posted 17-02-2016 00:39

  • says :
    Dear Sujan brother, thank you so much for your kind words :) We realized they aren't disable but differently able children :)
    Posted 17-02-2016 00:37

  • says :
    Dear Kamaldeen, we realized the meaning of valentine day celebration by being with these special kids. Their innocence will make everyone fall in love with them :)
    Posted 17-02-2016 00:35

  • says :
    Dear Salona sister, yeah they were so happy and we were much happy to see their happiness :)
    Posted 17-02-2016 00:31

  • says :
    Dear Aastha sister, I am so blessed to have receive all of your support in this celebration. All of your presence enhanced the joy and love.
    Thank you sister for being an integral part of the celebration :)
    Posted 17-02-2016 00:30

  • says :
    Dear Arushi sister, yeah we were elated to bring smiles on those lovely faces. Words can't be enough to explain how pleased we were :)
    Thank you for your evergreen support :)
    Posted 17-02-2016 00:27

  • says :
    Dear Syed, we loved and we were loved which was the best part of celebration. The kids were such adorable :)
    Thank you for going via the repot.
    Posted 17-02-2016 00:26

  • says :
    Dear Choirul, wow! I am so inspired to hear you celebrated valentine day by participating in such a massive plantation campaign. World would be a better place if we realize this Nature as our first valentine.
    Thank you for your kind support :)
    Posted 17-02-2016 00:23

  • says :
    Dear Rahul brother, first of all thank you for both of your kind messages :) Wow! I didn't know Mr. Bishal was your classmate. Smile in the faces of children are worth memorable life- long :)
    Posted 17-02-2016 00:16

  • says :
    Great initiative Bindu :) Really inspirational work
    Posted 16-02-2016 23:47

  • says :
    A special work Bindu, Nothing is more important than the joy of sick children
    because there is no more important than laying the joy in their hearts and a smile on their innocent faces
    Posted 16-02-2016 23:28

  • Sujan Adhikari says :
    Really amazing work Bindu. You are true leader. Celebrating Valentine with disable people and making bond of love with them is definitely cool. Sure such works can only bring smile in us )
    Posted 16-02-2016 22:31

  • says :
    Rose is red, red is the color of love and love is celebrated on Valentine day. Thanks for showing those kids what love means. They will be forever be obliged to you!
    Posted 16-02-2016 20:58

  • says :
    Wow you did a great job sista. I guess they were so happy. ^_^
    Posted 16-02-2016 20:42

  • Ashtha Lamsal says :
    best ever Valentine :) it was the real happiness to see smile n their face.

    Posted 16-02-2016 20:13

  • Arushi Madan says :
    WOW! Amazingly well thought inititaive on this day of love. You indeed spread love with these special children. Thanks for inspiring.
    Posted 16-02-2016 18:09

  • says :
    Hey Bindu.
    This was really nice and thoughtful of you to spend your entire day in engaging so many young people and giving back to the community. I really feel inspired after reading! Best of luck for your future activities. :)
    Posted 16-02-2016 17:22

  • says :
    Nice valentine bindu.. I also have different perspective about valentine celebration day. I didn't celebrate it with my special man like a couple.. but I had my valentine day by planting 6000 trees with environmental lovers of Semarang and Indonesian Army Semarang division in Ungaran mountain, central Java, Indonesia. You can read the info about the activity in this link: http://cahyamedia.co.id/berita-ribuan-pendaki-tanam-pohon-di-lereng-gunung-ungaran.html
    I think that our environment also needs to celebrate valentine day with us :). Great job bindu
    Posted 16-02-2016 15:05

  • says :
    S many known faces together wow. And hapoy to know about Bishal Koirala (if you didn't know he is my school class mate :P ) wow I couldn't help myself commenting for second time lol
    Posted 16-02-2016 13:34

  • says :
    Wow so happy to know about your valentine day celebration. It reminds me of chocolate day of last year i got to celebrate while going to rampur campus. And I am so happy for the venue you chose. :)hopefully I will try to give something to this school veronica soon ^_^
    Posted 16-02-2016 13:23

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