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Halt Food Wastage Right Away!

by | 20-02-2016 17:06 recommendations 0

In my belief, the initiative to tackle food wastage taken up by the government of France is indeed a commendable one. In fact the UAE is in dire need of such anti-food-wastage policies, especially during the month of Ramadan, when food wastage reaches its pinnacle!

Over the years, there have been innumerable reports on how supermarkets, even in big and bustling metropolitan cities, often grow insensitive towards the health and hygiene of consumers and fail to replace expired commodities for consumption most common of them being food-stuffs.

Albeit the concern over expiry of the food products is justified, the hassle often begins even before it reaches the shelves of your nearby grocery story. The very root of the menacing problem lies in the poor deliveries to the market.

Food products such as fruits and vegetables sometimes arrive at the market in poor conditions either due to the poor packaging or the long-journey it takes to reach the destination. Trucks and other transport used are very often overloaded, which adversely affects the food produce, such as fruits or vegetables, which requires to be stored and transported in a specific manner.

People also scatter germs when handling or testing food for freshness. This ultimately leads to a quicker rotting process, and aggravates the quality of foods.

Recognizing these issues and realizing that future repercussions could be devastating, the need of the hour is to put forward solutions. In my opinion, supermarkets have to be urged to have stricter checks while loading food-stuffs into the market and at the same time create incentives for supermarkets donating food to charities and food banks. A noteworthy example is the US, where supermarkets who donate unused and unsold food receive a 10% discount on their income tax. 

Food wastage  IS a crime as it is stealing away food from the plates of the poor and needy and placing onto the plates of the shrewd and greedy!

Food WastageFood WastageFood Wastage

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  • says :
    @Rohan-Thanks for your feedback:)
    Posted 27-02-2016 01:12

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Food waste policy & tough implementation are the key to success. Disposal of surplus food also must be ensured & properly regulated. Thanks for the report, Manav
    Posted 25-02-2016 18:18

  • says :
    Food wastes are major issue, It is problem here in United States too, but not a lot of people are aware of it.. we certainly need to do something about it
    Posted 23-02-2016 23:19

  • says :
    Great report. Anti food waste policies and laws are highly essential in both developed as well as developing countries. I hope they are devised and implemented ASAP, since people of different countries or even in UAE coming from disadvantaged communities cannot have three proper meals a day.
    Posted 22-02-2016 19:43

  • says :
    Food waste is a big problem in Africa. Even in some of the Asian countries too.. Some are starving while tons of food are being wasted
    Posted 21-02-2016 22:18

  • says :
    @Joshua-Thanks for your insightful comment:)
    Posted 21-02-2016 06:50

  • says :
    @Arushi-Yes,indeed. Student environmentalists are really praising this great initiative. Thanks for your comment, Arushi:)
    Posted 21-02-2016 06:49

  • says :
    Great report. Most countries in Africa lacks food waste policy
    Posted 20-02-2016 19:27

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Environmentalists like you, me and all of us here are hailing French anti food wastage law. Agree with you that UAE is in dire need of such policies. Thanks for your views, Manav.
    Posted 20-02-2016 17:45

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