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Celebrity and Climate Change

by | 01-03-2016 12:07 recommendations 0

Celebrity and Climate Change

It was 29 February. Everyone was watching who would grab this most prestigious Academic Award. Everyone was eyeing on Leonardo Dicarpio. And finally the most awaited moment was there. Our beloved actor grabbing Oscar Award. Huge Round of appalause and nearly broken Internet afterward were simple proof of how much everyone wanted him.

Wait a second don?t be euphoric right now. When whole world was watching closely about his acceptance his, he left us all speechless. With regular ?Thanks giving? speech he shifted his topic into Climate Change and its reality. (yeah you can be euphoric now) This is was enough to le millions of people across the world. Such a huge celebrities with tremendous number of fan following providing calling for taking action in ?Climate Change? at such auspicious gala. All I could say is ?Eureka Eureka Eureka?


What?s more, the news in dailymail reported if him turning into full time climate activist. Is not this more than awesome. He is amplifying our voice, our voice to take action on preventing climate change, our voice to not to this this planet for granted and our voice to make a better place for living in harmony with nature and appreciating other beautiful creatures.

This event made me search was our hero alone or are there other celebrities who are also advocating for climate change and inspiring millions of people. When I hit the search button, I was thrown with plethora of websites showing how different celebrities were working to change our world.

On this report, I will only discuss about those working in the field of Environment and Climate Change. We surely know about Humanitarian activities of Angelina Jolie and Emma Watson but I am focusing on those who are inspiring people to be environmentalist.Leonardo Dicarpio and Al Gore are most celebrated Environmental Activist and their efforts are admirable beyond my words. Here are other celebrities who are doing the same:


Jason Mraz:

Jason Mraz joined artists such as Michael Franti, Maroon 5, Linkin Park and Guster to voice his opposition to illegal logging. The artists partnered with the Environmental Investigation Agency and REVERB to urge consumers of musical instruments to find out where their wood comes from. Mraz has been active in the environmental movement for years. Last September, he participated in The Climate Reality Project?s 24 Hours of Reality to promote taking action on climate change.( Reported from ECO WATCH DOT COM)

Robert Redfort:

Hollywood actor and director Robert Redford is a passionate advocate of environmental protection. He has been engaged in the climate fight for decades, ever since he first organized a conference for Russian and American climate scientists in the 1980s. Redford is an avid environmentalist and is a trustee of the Natural Resources Defense Council. Redford also established The Redford Center with his son James, which aims to create films focusing on social and environmental issues like his recent: ?Watershed,? which is an effort to help restore the Colorado River Basin. (EPOCH INSPIRED DOT COM)


Matt Damon:

Matt Damon is super protective of clean water. He founded H2O Africa, a charity providing clean water to African communities and in 2009, Damon joined forces with WaterPartners and created Water.org to provide access to clean water in all continents.

Daryl Hannah:

Daryl Hannah is a longtime climate activist, putting her body on the line and getting arrested five times during protests for mountaintop removal, fracking and the Keystone XL pipeline. Her website, dhlovelife.com, helps share solutions on how to live more harmoniously with the planet and all other living things. Hannah works closely with indigenous peoples—those who have already been negatively impacted by Alberta tar sands extraction and those who will be if the Keystone XL pipeline is approved.


Jessica Alba:

Jessica Alba has been acting since the early 1990s (remember the Nickelodeon classic The Secret World of Alex Mack?). As co-founder of The Honest Company (which specializes in eco-friendly products), she?s shown that businesses can play a powerful role in the climate movement. It?s possible to put people and the planet first, all while making a profit. (CLIMATE REALITY PROJECT DOT ORG)


Arnold Schwarzenegger:

Arnold Schwarzenegger has arguably one of the most expansive resumes of our time. He?s been Mr. Universe, the Terminator, and California?s 38th governor - but don?t forget he?s a climate activist, too. Schwarzenegger recently wrote a post on his Facebook page where he let deniers know, "I don't give a damn if you believe in climate change? It doesn't matter to me which of us is right about the science. I just hope that you'll join me [on the way] to a smarter, cleaner, healthier, more profitable energy future.? His impassioned post – which has over 125,000 shares – could only have been better if it had ended with, ?I?ll be back."


Well this is obviously incomplete list and there are many other celebrites using their charm to make people ponder on world issues. I highly recommend all of my eco steward friend to search  about celebrities and yes finally share it to your friends.

My opinion about Celebrity Endorsement:

When it comes to buying products which do we buy? The one which has been advertised nicely with great slogans, isn?t it? And we prefer those where our celebrities are brand ambassador. Yes, that the charm of celebrities companies use to attract customer. So why not to positively magnetize Celebrities charm into the cause we believe in. People may not believe us(scientist communities) but they will certainly ponder when their idols speak. SO I firmly believe in welcoming Celebrities to work for us hand in hand and making them our Real Hero not just Reel.



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  • says :
    Thank you so much Minjoo for such anice comment happy to know our choice arequite similar ^_^
    Posted 07-03-2016 09:46

  • says :
    Rahul, I suppose Leonardo receiving the Oscar was certainly a big issue for people all over the globe. I myself am a great fan of his, but what made me more impressive was his speech regarding climate change, as you have mentioned in your article.
    I am also happy to be informed that celebrities that I love so much care for the environment as much as I do, or even more! Their fans will have a chance to think once more about the Earth we live.
    I really enjoyed your article. Keep up the good work :-)
    Posted 04-03-2016 17:30

  • says :
    Thank you so much Bindu di for going through my repirt
    Posted 02-03-2016 12:16

  • says :
    Ashish. Absolutely right. He is both reel and real hero
    Posted 02-03-2016 12:15

  • says :
    So am I Syed. Right use of power and platform
    Posted 02-03-2016 12:15

  • says :
    Surely we do Joshua
    Posted 02-03-2016 12:14

  • says :
    Yeah, bro. Leonardo is my guy. I just love him
    Posted 01-03-2016 21:20

  • says :
    I am so glad that Leonardo used his opportunity on the Oscar Stage to talk about climate change. Since his speech became viral on the internet, the message for not taking the planet as granted finally became viral as well.
    Posted 01-03-2016 18:33

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Yeah, when celebrities like Leo promote environmental or social causes , the cause has wider outreach. They can influence in a massive way. I was happy too for him getting award and using the podium to raise his voice for climate change. He is indeed both a real and reel hero. We need more like him. Thanks for highlighting him.
    Posted 01-03-2016 17:04

  • says :
    Better I would say, OSCAR deserved Leonardo a real hero. For sure when an icon like Leonardo , Jason etc. join together the challenge of climate change then the influence on public will be higher. He is a living inspiration to the entire globe, defining the true meaning of HERO.
    Thank you dear brother for highlighting the trending relevant and motivating news :)
    Posted 01-03-2016 15:31

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