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by | 05-03-2016 04:21 recommendations 0

Every 3rd of march was set aside by the United Nations General Assembly in 2013 as world wildlife day to focus on the importance of safeguarding wild plants and animals for now and future generations. The day offers opportunity for all nation's in the world to reaffirm their commitment towards the preservation of wildlife. In commemoration of this year's world wildlife day, the Nigeria's Minister of Environment reiterated the importance of wildlife, calling on Nigerians to do everything within the law to ensure that the nation's wildlife is well protected.
The conservation of wildlife is of great importance as it plays a vital role in biodiversity. There exist interactions between different species in nature. These interactions help to maintain a balanced ecosystem which in turn affects the quality and standard of life of humans. Forests, along with the animals that inhabit it create and preserve a quality environment and can serve educational and recreational purposes.
In Nigeria, several attempts have been made to conserve the diversity of wildlife species that exist in the country in a bid to ensure their survival. The establishment of forest reserves such as Omo forest reserve, game reserves such as yankari game reserve, national parks and other protected areas was geared towards the preservation of wildlife and its natural environment. Also, certain laws have been enacted to prevent the degradation of the natural habitat of wildlife by uncontrolled logging and to prevent the over-hunting of wildlife for food and other purposes.
Sadly, these measures have failed to yield the desired results due to a number of reasons which include insufficient data on the state of wildlife in the country, inadequate enforcement of conservation laws, illiteracy and lack of awareness among most of the populace around these protected areas. There has been reports overtime of illegal killing of animals even within the protected areas by poachers. These indiscriminate harvesting of flora and fauna in both protected and unprotected areas constitute threats to the preservation of wildlife in the country.
The Federal Government and Nigerians in general, have been called on to do everything within their ability to protect the nation's wildlife. The Government has also been called on to ensure strict compliance to conservation laws by prosecuting and placing stricter penalties on defaulters.
elephant in Yankari game reservewildlife

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  • says :
    Oseluese thanks for bringing this up. Speaking about game, I've recently come across a video that robots are now being used to catch poachers in the states. If you watch the video, you'll find out how illegal hunting is prevailing in the states even with comparatively dense control by the police. Hope this new method can help the wild animals somehow.
    The following is the link:
    Posted 09-03-2016 15:53

  • says :
    Belated Happy World Wildlife Day dear Oseleuse, I appreciate the efforts undertaken by Nigerian Government to conserve their wilfldlife. In recent years due to urbanization and increasing population our wildlife has undergone huge loss mainly due to habitat encroachment and illegal poaching. We should make efforts to conserve our wildlife in cooperation with government.
    Thank you for sharing :)
    Posted 07-03-2016 22:19

  • says :
    Sure the government is taking bold steps to stop the activities of poachers but there is still more to do in terms of educating individuals on the importance of wildlife conservation and stricter prosecution of poachers. Thanks all.
    Posted 07-03-2016 15:18

  • says :
    My fellow Nigerian, the Nigerian government are taking bold steps to curb the activities of poachers and inordinate game hunt. However, the entire populace needs more education on the need to protect wildlife resources especially here in the south western part. Nice report, Oseluese.
    Posted 07-03-2016 07:28

  • says :
    My fellow Nigerian, the Nigerian government are taking bold steps to curb the activities of poachers and inordinate game hunt. However, the entire populace needs more education on the need to protect wildlife resources especially here in the south western part. Nice report, Oseluese.
    Posted 07-03-2016 07:28

  • says :
    Once the harmony of the ecological system is disrupted, series of negative events take place. And once disrupted, it is very challenging to restore the balance. Happy to know the Nigerian government is taking actions to prevent the harming of wildlife.
    Posted 07-03-2016 05:59

  • says :
    Oseluese, it is glad to hear that Nigeria is endeavoring to make the nation greener. There may be hardship, but as the quote says, no pain no gain! I suggest the government can put more effort on advertising the need of why it is important to stabilize the biodiversity, and why we need to stop deforestation as well. If more people acknowledge that our environment is priceless, more can support on forming legal, instituational solutions for the problem. Keep on the good work! :-)
    Posted 07-03-2016 01:29

  • says :
    Great article, Oseluese! We need to work together and protect the wildlife.
    Posted 06-03-2016 19:47

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    The conservation of wildlife is essential to maintain the ecological cycle. Efforts of Nigerian govt are praiseworthy in this regard.
    Posted 06-03-2016 14:40

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Glad to know that Nigerian government and people are trying to fight against this menace of wild life poaching or any other kind of abuse to wild life.
    We humans have no right to kill these animals. They are also the part of this ecosystem and have equal right to live .
    Posted 06-03-2016 02:34

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