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|LATIN AMERICA| The Most Eco Nations in Latin America

by Luiz Bispo | 06-03-2016 02:03 recommendations 0

Have you heard about the Environment Performance Index (EPI)? This index tries to rank nations with environmental credentials around the globe. Nevertheless, let's check up how the Latin countries are performing on.

The Latin countries are well known as the ones in which in somehow have responsibility towards environment caring and "green" reputation.

Uruguay and Costa Rica, for instance, are keen to develop the nation with low-carbon energy systems. Ecuador and Bolivia are dedicating on improve environmental laws (legislation).

Brazil and the other countries that cover the Amazon Forest area such as Peru have made eye-catching to preserve and conserve the forest itself. In this way, water resource, animals, soil, indigenous communities, among other aspects, can be kept in the nature.

However, the EPI shows up that these nations are not among the top green countries in the world.

Costa Rica and Argentina are best ranked in the index among the Latin Countries. To find out other positions, check up at the Environment Performance Index Yale website < http://epi.yale.edu/>

The main reason of why the Latin nations are not among the greenest ones is because of deforestation. Other cases can be due to lack of sanitation/clean water and quality of air/emission of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.

Hopefully, someday the Latin nations will become a truly example of "green" spots where people and nature can live with high/positive environmental standard.

SOURCE: Eye on Latin America Website


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  • Dormant user Luiz Bispo
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  • says :
    Dear Luiz, I am familiar with the EPI as I had a research on air quality recently. Its saddening to know the status of deteriorating forests in Latin America. Hopefully stakeholders take concrete actions to regain their Green Reputation in near future.
    Thank you for sharing :)
    Posted 07-03-2016 21:47

  • says :
    Thanks for introducing us the new term EPI. I had heard about EPI, Napa, La pa but EPI was new term for me.mi do hope we will stop listening the news of deforestation in Latin America and become epitome of green concept. After all these countires are in my bucket list of travelling hehe hehe
    Posted 07-03-2016 09:54

  • says :
    Luiz, I personally think EPI is quite an unfamiliar concept, so I sincerely thank you for bringing this to your topic and sharing with other reporters. It is an irony that nations ranking high in EPI are not in the list of top green countries. However, we cannot deny the fact that preserving the envionment that exists today gains importance as well as developing green technology and legislating laws. If these Latin American countries can enlargen these fields to enhancing the quality of water and air, and even succeed in cutting down carbon emission, I assure these countries will gain recognition worldwide about their meaningful acts.
    Keep up the good work :-)
    Posted 07-03-2016 00:47

  • says :
    It was great to learn about EPI from this report. Deforestation is also one of the major reasons behind the poor performance of Bangladesh as per the index.
    Posted 06-03-2016 20:11

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    EPI web portal is exhaustive. Thanks for sharing. my dream is that whole world may become Green & clean.
    Posted 06-03-2016 14:38

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for sharing details about EPI. Let's hope that these environmentally conscious nations will be able to get rid of problems like deforestation and will one day find their place in greenest nations of the world.
    Posted 06-03-2016 02:36

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