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by | 09-03-2016 08:13 recommendations 0

Lack of potable water is a huge problem in many developing countries. According to UNICEF, 783 million people worldwide are without improved drinking water, and the World Health Organization estimates that lack of proper drinking water causes 1.6 million deaths each year from diarrheal and parasitic diseases.


Moringa oleifera tree has been called the tree of life in many cultures around the world, including Nigeria. It has many names based on its many uses: clarifier tree, horseradish tree and drumstick tree (referring to the large drumstick shaped pods) and in East Africa moringa is known as ?mother?s best friend?.


Here in the Nigeria, its names include Ewe Igbale in Yoruba, Zogelle in Hasusa and Idagbo monoye in Igbo.

Moringa is a plant whose origin is believed to be India. It is used in the treatment of arthritis, cancer, asthma, stomach pains, heart problems and parasitic infections, among other diseases.


You might be forced to think that ?what has moringa got to do with water purification??


Interestingly, studies on the effectiveness of moringa seeds for treating water have been done since the 1970s, and have consistently shown that moringa is especially effective in removing suspended particles from water with medium to high levels of turbidity (muddiness or dirtiness). The seed pod has been used to desalinate sea water.


When moringa seeds are crushed and poured into a pot or bottle of dirty water, the water turns transparent within seconds. The seeds' anti-bacterial properties can turn low, medium, and high turbidity waters into tap-water quality in an hour or two.


In addition to these benefits, something in the tree?s seeds has the ability to kill bacteria and clarify water.

According to Stephanie Butler Velegol, an environmental engineering instructor at Penn State. Women in ancient Egypt reportedly rubbed Moringa seeds on their clay water pots, and dried powder from crushed seeds has been used as a handwash for many years.


Here are the steps to follow on how to Purify Water with Moringa Seeds:

¡¤         Allow the Moringa seed pods to dry naturally on the tree before harvesting them.

¡¤         Remove the seed husks, leaving a whitish kernel.

¡¤         Crush the seed kernels to a powder with a stone or mortar.

¡¤         Mix the powder with a small quantity of clean water in a small cup.

¡¤         Pour the mixture through a tea strainer or sieve into a cup. It's best to cover the strainer with a piece of clean cloth.

¡¤         Add the resulting milky fluid to the water you wish to purify.

¡¤         Stir quickly for 30 seconds, then slowly and regularly for five minutes.

¡¤         Cover the water and do not disturb it for at least an hour.

¡¤         The clean water may be siphoned or poured off the top of the container.

50-150 mg of ground Moringa seed treats one liter of water, depending on how clear the water is.
The seed cake left over after extracting oil can still be used for water purification.


The use of moringa seeds will not only provide a possible solution that is adaptable to places where access to clean water is difficult, but also reduce the cost of purchasing chemicals to purify water for drinking purpose.









source: oilseedcrop.orgsource: moringaherbs.comsource: beforeitnews.orgsource: miracletrees.org

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  • says :
    I happy to learn about this Moringa
    I had better learn more about it.
    Always happy to hear from you Olamide.
    Posted 13-03-2016 06:27

  • says :
    Olamide, thanks for sharing such an eco-friendly way of purifying water resources. If Moringa seeds can be introduced to a lot of nation suffering from lack of water, especially ones located in African regions, it may save millions of lives possibly. I personally wish to try using Moringa seeds myself. If I have any chance, I will make sure you know it. Keep up the good work! :-)
    Posted 11-03-2016 01:51

  • says :
    Indeed the scarcity of safe drinking water still remains as one of the major global problem. Your report was very informative and I was able to learn a lot about Moringa from it. Great job on the report. :)
    Posted 10-03-2016 05:21

  • says :
    Thank you all for your wonderful comments, moringa is really a miracle plant which has other medicinal uses apart from water treatment.
    Posted 10-03-2016 02:24

  • Arushi Madan says :
    WOW! What an eco-friendly way to clean water. Thanks for introducing this great species to us. It's is of immense potential as access to clean, safe drinking water is the need of the hour.Nearly 1 billion people in the world do not have access to clean water. Solutions like these are very sustainable to meet the challenge of access to clean water.
    Posted 10-03-2016 01:20

  • Arushi Madan says :
    WOW! What an eco-friendly way to clean water. Thanks for introducing this great species to us. It's is of immense potential as access to clean, safe drinking water is the need of the hour.
    Posted 10-03-2016 01:17

  • says :
    A truly eco-friendly solution! Hope this way of water treatment can save people from polluted water! And obviously the locals will have easier access to the seeds than what they previously used to purify water, whether that be medicine sent from abroad or special instrument. Thank you Olamide for sharing
    Posted 09-03-2016 22:53

  • says :
    It's an amazing information to know about Moringa. In my country we call it Murunga. And we do cook and eat it as a curry with rice. Thank you Olamide for important info :)
    Posted 09-03-2016 17:18

  • says :
    Safe drinking water is a global problem.Moringa also called Sitalchini in our country is a multipurpose specie.Thank you for the informative report on it's use as a water purifier.:)
    Posted 09-03-2016 11:57

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